Endurance Onslaught 6.0
View Poll Results: Should we add ranks to the user list?
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when your mate says he doesnt have the money to buy a smurf but instead buys a bayonet doppler fn

dreamy suicide act
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
I would love to see you playing with a team that can't to more than 10 kills all the match then being toxic because they are bad.



I do that all the time.
I mostly do solo queue, I've met my fair share of toxic people but the rest of the team works well together. Unless you're one of those jackasses that gets frustrated easily or whines about what your teammates do, then solo queue isn't for you, you gotta be a little patient with the randies.
I can only soloqueue and I never get paired with anyone decent, on occasion some of them can be nice and stuff, but they play like they are in cod.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
More than half the time, if you're not judgmental of your teammates and try to properly help them out instead of criticizing them from the top/bottom of the scoreboard, usually you end up with really decent or great matches.

My last 10 or so matches (which have been entirely solo-queue except for two where I queued with one other friend) have all been completely toxicity-free. 3 of those 10 matches we lost the first half either 3-12 or 4-11, and ended up winning 2 and tying the last one, because my teammates all fully understood that the game is never over until someone hits 16 points.

I feel like no-one understands the impact positivity has on how everyone on your team plays. I see everyone complaining about how their teammates were simply trash (without doing anything to help their teammates out), and then when they themselves play badly or do something stupid they say "oh, everyone has a bad day." It's just a ridiculous amount of hypocriticism all around. xD


TL;DR: If your teammate does something wrong, tell him what he should've done instead without coming across as a condescending asshole. i.e. be helpful.

HerobrineDead is a good example of a good solo-queuer.
Last edited by Sparta; May 27, 2016 at 04:16 AM. Reason: because
[20:07] <@SpartaCraft> This is the sexiest potato I've ever made.
I played a comp match just now

the entire team was queued together but me and they only used knives and zeuses

lost 16-4
it was basically a 1v5 the entire game

Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
80% of this thread in a nutshell.

"My teammates suck, I should be global but I'm not because I always get shit teams. Last game I got 26 frags and didn't win"

Newsflash, there are games you just cannot win. Now if you judge your level from a few games you carried, you are stupid.
The reason you are not ranking up is because you are ignoring your bad performances, and only focusing on the times you did well and your team didn't.
I've dropped over 40 frags a game and still lost, sometimes it's like that. You can't really prevent that from happening occasionally.
Drop the 20-30 frags always, and you will rank up faster than you can say olofmeister.

I've coached and boosted so many silvers, GNs, MG's, LEs and LEMs who literally think that the almost only problem is their teammates. When I look at their play, they might have ok (notice the word ok, not even good) aim but can't even throw a single smoke properly.
Then they exit frag their brains out and after the game tell me how their teammates fucked their game up again. "Just look at my score mate"
Now I'm here to tell you all something, all of us here (including me) are pretty bad at the game in the end. Once you accept that you make a thousand mistakes and that you don't know everything / do the correct plays every time, you can look at your own play and improve.

But the attitude that people like Kirito here (And many more) has "I never get paired with anyone decent, on occasion some of them can be nice and stuff, but they play like they are in cod."
Just shows me that people here have no idea how the game actually works. Sometimes you get good games, but that doesn't mean you are better than you actually are. Wake up.
Last edited by cowmeat; May 27, 2016 at 01:24 PM.
40% of the time I get carried, 30% I do good and open up a lot with frags, 20% I just get tilted and do absolute trash, and 10% my teammates are bad and rock with that zeus or hide on site without helping so they can get a sick ninja for their montage.
shit happens
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18