Sorry about that everyone.
ConCon, you now have the permissions.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Sorry about that everyone.
ConCon, you now have the permissions.

Can I get perms too, pl0x? I assume ConCon isn't always online so it would be handy
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
Can I get perms too, pl0x? I assume ConCon isn't always online so it would be handy

No, sorry.
Maybe in the future though.

He's currently leading Essence and is the War Manager overseeing our ingame team.
Wars will be left strictly with him for now.

Though, I will -- after I've completed all this work I have to do -- speak to you about being the frontman for our warring efforts. You're very competitive and I think you'd be perfect for handling that sort of thing.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Yeah, definitely.
Just post in that thread and fill out their provided template.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Though, I will -- after I've completed all this work I have to do -- speak to you about being the frontman for our warring efforts. You're very competitive and I think you'd be perfect for handling that sort of thing.

I agree with this, for active management and plenty of wars, JSnuff would be great for leading it. Just be patient JSnuff, soon your time will come muahahahahaha.
You know, I used to wonder; why are some people so inactive?
Yes, I knew there were life related stuff, but why?

Now I know.
Frost is pretty cool
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
I agree with this, for active management and plenty of wars, JSnuff would be great for leading it. Just be patient JSnuff, soon your time will come muahahahahaha.

By the way, I love the new avatar mate.

Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
You know, I used to wonder; why are some people so inactive?
Yes, I knew there were life related stuff, but why?

Now I know.

I think I've missed what you were saying.
Would you elaborate? xP
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]

Scott is staring at the thick, black clouds. Bored out of his mind, waiting for a girl he has made a promise to. Scott had promised his sister he would pick her up after her karate lesson. He must wait outside, no matter how cold it is. The building had a very sexist rule, no boys allowed, unless you were employed there. This was here because the teachers thought that if boys were allowed in, they would just be there watch the girls in a perverted way. Scott accepted the fact there are people like that in the world but didn't accept the fact the creator of this rule thought all boys were like that. Scott felt like leaving and just escaping the coldness of January. He was about to leave when the doors opened and out stepped his sister, Ashleigh.
"Hey Scott." Said Ashleigh.
"Hi." Replied Scott.
"So, where did you park the car?"
"Its just around the building. Said Scott.
Ashleigh sprinted to the car to escape the cold and Scott just walked behind her. When Scott had walked around the corner he unlocked the car and Ashleigh quickly got in. Scott got in the drivers seat and started driving
"So how was your lesson?" Asked Scott.
"It was amazing! Today we learned how to do spin kicks and hard punches." She replied.
Scott was approaching a traffic light and didn't have time to waste so as soon as he saw a glimpse of the amber light he accelerated the car even more so he could over take the traffic light.
"Sounds awesome, glad you enjoyed it." Said Scott.
Scott was about to be home free but it turns out another car had the same idea as him, dodge the traffic light. Scott tried to stop the car but even with the breaks on the car moved just enough to get hit my the oncoming truck. The truck hit the passenger sit and sent the car rolling over repeatedly. When the car had stopped it was tipped upside down and wrecked into pieces. Scott checked to see if Ashleigh was alright, he shook her head but got no response. He started shouting her name repeatedly but still got no response. Scott tried kicking the door open but the door wouldn't move. He tried moving Ashleigh to try and open the other door. The passenger door had opened and Scott started by crawling out first then dragged Ashleigh body out too. Scott checked for a pulse on Ashleigh but got nothing. He started shaking her in panic to hope she would wake up. Scott started screaming for somebody to call an ambulance. A few people came to help Scott up but Scott wanted to stay on the floor and hold his sister in his hands. He started crying and saying Ashleigh repeatedly. Ashleigh, Ashleigh, Ashleigh.

Ignore that.
Last edited by Kradel; Jan 29, 2014 at 05:46 PM.