
Im back, i was making my Anonymus set

i meak so many useless sets lol

Shoop da woop

American Gai





Chinese Char's

"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
Kpenguin: You are supposed to share you opinion on him. Not critosize his attitude. You are supposed to give valid information, and a well wrighten Description of what you think of him in-game and how he acts. I simply asked you to share the blind spot in your description. You told ME personally what you ment, but you sohuld have shared it with the whole clan in the first place.
Originally Posted by KPenguin12 View Post
I really think you should just shut the efferson up now.
I don't don't give a shit about your itty bitty "do this, do that, you should be saying this, you should be saying that" I'll do what I want, I shall play with him and see how he is, I have my own opinion on him if I want. I think what I want, do what I want, act how I want.

"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
Kpenguin: You need to chill the F*ck out right now. You lacked information that the clan should know about him so they can either agree with what you said, or disagree with what you said. If you lack that information by simply saying it was his "Attitude" That you didn't like, rather than saying a detailed version of exactly what the F*ck his attitude is. I'm not asking very much. I'm simply following what Poptart and Unite would probably want to see in a valid clan tryout.

And plus, you don't say, do, or act how you want in a clan. You follow the pack, and you listen to the leaders. Got it?

EDIT: And MY Itty Bitty do this do that bullsh*t just happens to be how everyone else in the clan officialy does it. I was helping you out, and you chewed on my ass.

Now not one more word of it, I'm not argueing with a fellow member.
Right, I cannot be arsed to read whatever you said, this never happened, truce?
I've deleted all those posts.
End of argument.
Last edited by KPenguin12; Apr 3, 2009 at 08:08 PM.
Edit: Guess not
Last edited by RainRain; Apr 3, 2009 at 08:29 PM.
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
That is a totaly invalid reason to delete posts :P

Just try not to be so rediculess ok? Reason with people, and don't blow your horn at me again. when sombody is asking you to do something, it is for the better.

Truce :P
Hey again. I'm still around, but I've been pretty busy. I'll be playing some this weekend so maybe I'll catch you guys this time.