about to watch "the grey" to be honest I think its gonna be great. Updates soon.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...

The moral of the song
Is simply that one should never be
Where ones does not belong
So when you see your neighbor carryin' somethin'
Help him with his load
And don't go mistaking Paradise
For that home across the road.

I as surprised I enjoyed this, maybe a bit disappointed I enjoyed it in fact. Must be growing up
Last edited by missuse; Jan 31, 2012 at 01:18 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me

I like this type of music here.
Mainly for the fact that i like
to learn new songs on guitar.

^Currently learning to play this^
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
tomorrow this movie will premiere here

i think i will watch it one of these days... looks interesting
i always enjoyed movies about people getting powers and shit

Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
nice for chill and listen,it's relaxing=)
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
They only took about 40h to go crazy with their new powers? I would have killed my entire government in under an hour, and then demand money xD

But the movie is quite interesting, I am looking forward to it.
No not yet, sounds boring, the title I mean.
But that never really tells what the movie will be like :P
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"