Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Shaking Willows Inn

Nic continues to sip his wine until he finally runs out, staring at bryce he puts his glass down to stand up as he trys to change the topic.

"When was the last time you sparred with someone, I could use a partner too sharpen my skills?"
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Western Plains

Fate yanks his sword from the chest of one of the bandits that stuck to the forest. No sign of the other. He glances back to where Balo is fighting and barely has time to flinch as a quarrel scrapes the left side of his face, cutting a gash from cheek to the back of his jaw. His tongue tests a new hole in the side of his mouth as he races back to Balo's aid.

Near Balo, one of the two remaining guards turns to flee after loosing a quarrel past Balo. The other screams loudly at nothing particular and draws two short swords, dropping his crossbow. He rushes Balo, hacking and slashing in a blood frenzy, seemingly oblivious to most of his surroundings.
Last edited by Thorn; Sep 3, 2012 at 08:49 AM.
Shaking Willows Inn

Bryce puts down his finished wineglass.

"I spent a week on horseback, my legs are cramped and my ass is blistered. To add, my ribs are shattered and several inches of flesh along my chest are missing."

Bryce can go on and on about his pain, but he realizes that he cannot mention the worst of it. He reaches across his waist and wraps his right hand around the hilt of his arming sword. The supple leather welcomes his worn fingers and the quillon's ice cold steel feels like home to him.

"Where should we spar?"
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Western Plains

Balo watches the man come in flailing so he takes his stance and starts whistling a slow solemn tune that purveys pure sadness.

Instantly upon the man entering his range Balo lunges low while bringing his blade upward into the man's throat.

"I truly apologize. May your song end quickly."

Balo turns the blade horizontally and pulls toward straight back ripping the man's throat out covering him in blood. Balo darts forward and catches the body lowering it to the ground slowly before turning to find his next enemy.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Western Plains

Fate walks briskly to Balo's mount, and calms the horse before it darts off. He mounts it and rides off down the road opposite of their original direction. He comes back a few moments later with fresh blood on his sword.

"Are you hurt?" he asks, dismounting.
Western Plains

As Balo walks out of the woods covered in more blood passing the fresh drag marks he looks up to Fate and smiles.

"Nope!" he says with his normal happy demeanor, "Not a scratch, oh and I moved them to the woods, I would do proper graves but I do not have a shovel nor the time."
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Western Plains

"We'll have to walk the rest of the way unless we come by horses. It'll be too loaded down to ride once we transfer the cargo from my horse. We'll clean up once we leave this area. It smells of death."
Shaking Willows Inn

"Im sure theres a stableyard not far from here"

Nic lets out another smile.
Last edited by Donut; Sep 3, 2012 at 09:43 AM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Shaking Willows Inn

"Wait for me there then."

Bryce stands up and exits the inn alone. He heads to the closest armory and requests two blunted tourney swords.

He then meets Nic at the stable yard. He throws Nic one of the steels. Bryce goes on to remove his sword and belt from his waist and puts his trinkets on a nearby fence post.

Bryce takes a side-faced swordsman's stance in front of Nic. Arm cocked, he taps the morning soil with the foible of his blade.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Shaking Willows Stableyards

Nic catches the blade and assumes his stance holding the sword infront of him. In one quick leap he lunges towards Bryce swinging his sword from the right side to the left in an attempt to strike his arm while yelling to add to the situation.
Last edited by Donut; Sep 3, 2012 at 10:30 AM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight