Mystery, welcome back.
Passed personality 2/3

You know what to do.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Hello all members of Secret.
I am Zapekk and after little talking i decided to apply.

Let's get started.

First the bad things.

Little good things is that i have never got any bans and that's good.
I have got couple infractions in my time here. (4)

Only one that was worth two points and other's was 0 but all is expired.

I do have couple alts which i don't use anymore.

I am sure that there are at least one clan bank. There might be two.

One called TrololoFIN made for to get in my friends streaming server because
i got kicked for being too good.

One more that i can't remember why i did it.
Just remember that it had somekind of a stupid name.

Anyway i feel like i have grown over that.
If i could i would delete my alts.

My past clans and orgs.


My first clan ever was Spintoris.
I weren't in it for too long as soon i was there they asked for money and nothing ever happened. It was just a tag on front of your name.

Deus Ex Bellum

Second clan was Deus Ex Bellum.
When i joined i was still a total newbie but i got pretty much experience there
and we succeeded well as a clan.
After a while i got Co-leader spot in it.

Then there still was clan ranks and we were on spot 14 if im right.

Sadly clan died after our leader and couple members got inactive.

All this happened a long time ago so i hope i won't skip any clans here.


This was a little clan ran by my friend.
Things actually went pretty well for some time.
I was Co-leader in this one too.

We had some nice members but suddenly a group of our members left
and made their own clan and kept us as their enemies.

We never got to hear a reason for this but some time after that inactivity ate the clan.


After RIOT i got in Horror, if im right, and almost all of them was a total strangers for me but i got good friends from there and raised up to Co-leader
spot again.
And again the leader and other Co got inactive for couple reasons and i decided not to go on with that clan.

I have never been a good leader alone.
I loved my time as Co-leader or being another leader but alone i didn't like it.

After horror i was asked for straight to join Pure chaos as Co-leader and i had just quitted a clan and had not much to do so i joined them.

Pure chaos

This clan was a fast thing for me as at this time i wasn't so newbie anymore or i kept myself little more experienced and the clan was little... Noobish?
Not sure how to say it but just didn't felt that i would belong there.

So i left.

After pure i wandered without a clan for some time and magically my great friend, old leader of DXB came out of nowhere and asked me that am i interested in reviving DXB.

Well that thing didn't end well as the leader really couldn't keep his word on being active again and you can guess the end.


Quest was mainly a sparring/replay making clan and got invited there after awhile being clanless and i did enjoy sparring and replay making then.

After about month people just started magically spread out of Quest as our leader got inactive.

I was one of the last members and decided that it is waste of time to stay in.


I was a great friend and i still are a great friend of Avengd7x the leader of Ethr.
He invited me to join in Ethr and i was happy to get in there.

Clan felt really nice for a long time and after a while we got official.
Officiality felt awesome for sometime but after a while members
felt like they wouldn't give a shit about things as we already was official.

There started to be huge amounts of spam and huge disrespect for upper grade persons on some members that i just wasn't interested on it anymore.

In my opinion Officiality screwed Ethr. Partly.


I haven't been so interested in organisations.
There are some.

I am in Move makers organisation and minecraft builders org.

And me and Zeto have made an organisation for Handball in toribash.
Im not really active in any of those anymore.
My interest have just dropped.

About ingame

I am third dan blackbelt and my favorite mods are pretty much Aikido and other aikido based mods.

I do enjoy Runkido and other Runkido based mods too.

Anyway as aikido is the main mod in TB, in my opinion, my play style is slow and relaxed.

I usually start slow with a normal grab and wait to see what opponent does and try to counter that.

I don't like to be too aggressive.

Uploaded some replays down there.

I have done some SP replays too and i like sparring.
Im not master on those but somehow experienced.

About me paragraph

My real name is Joel Hyttinen and i am 17 years old young man from Finland.
I am studying in Vocational school on Platesmith-welder field.
For me school is pretty easy and that's why i have lots of free time.

I would say that i am humorous and not aggressive guy.
And not lazy.

My main hobby is motorbikes/biking.
For now i own Husqvarna 125 SM 2009.
Going to buy a bigger bike in coming summer.

Sadly i can only drive on summers. Of course i could drive in winters too but i don't like it. Way too cold winters in here.

In winters i did hobby snowboarding but that stopped after i broke both bones in my right hand. Twice...

I don't really do much on winters.
Of course i do all normal things like hang out with friends and be on PC but nothing special.

Well that's it.


I don't really have any miracle skills.

I can do some kind of vids and textures but im not really good at it.

Anyway my little youtube channel.

For the end of course I have found the hot Secret sauce.

Thank you for reading my app.
Attached Files
Aikido 10.rpl (71.7 KB, 5 views)
Aikido 13.rpl (68.4 KB, 3 views)
Aikido 14.rpl (57.6 KB, 4 views)
Aikido 15.rpl (57.7 KB, 3 views)
Spar with Fatul 3.rpl (391.9 KB, 4 views)
Z - Merry.rpl (182.9 KB, 4 views)
Z - Zaspire.rpl (159.0 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Zapekk; Mar 12, 2013 at 11:27 PM.

Glad to see the application Zap, sit tight for the background check.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Thanks both of you.

I am heading to sleep in a minute so i think we'll see again whenever i wake up.

And my GMT is +3.

Gimme a finish pickup line that'll guarantee the panties to slide down, I already know that bringing up Muumi and Lordi in a conversation will make em gals wet.
Originally Posted by McDill View Post
Gimme a finish pickup line that'll guarantee the panties to slide down, I already know that bringing up Muumi and Lordi in a conversation will make em gals wet.

yer drunk dill, go home
Oh yeah. Thank you Laser.
I knew i didn't remember it all.

I will put that in there.

E: Done.
Last edited by Zapekk; Mar 10, 2013 at 11:06 AM.
