Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
I will say this once, and only once.
If you have issues between each other, sort it out via pm, not here.

I won't have hostility floating about this board.
That is all.

Also, how's everyone doing?

Im doing great I am getting really good in game I think I might try to get on the warring team
Btw thank you for letting me be in this clan as time goes on I like this clan more and more I am so grateful for being apart of this clan
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo
A lot happens in two days haha. I missed so much in the last 10 hours because of sleep. Anyway, woke up early today and going to get to work on a few things.
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Nope, star has no such power. Because rappunk's power is over 9000!

But what if stars power is over 9001? o.o what will happen then hmmmm? o.0

Btw hello friends.
|Essence staff manager|
Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
Star is in essence now.

It'll be only a matter of time before he conquers it.

I have no such plans to be involved in any leadership role for now, lucky for Essence. Nah I'm just joking, but really with school and stuff it won't be worth it.
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Nope, star has no such power. Because rappunk's power is over 9000!

amg wat do aaaaa
Originally Posted by Okami View Post
But what if stars power is over 9001? o.o what will happen then hmmmm? o.0

Btw hello friends.

It will be the battle of all battles
Hi Okami :D

Also some good news; finally am fully recovered from a rotator cuff injury and am now back on the weights after a month off! :D
Last edited by Star; Jan 27, 2014 at 11:03 AM.
Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
I'm doing good, lost a gmtourney though D:
I need to start practicing ingame.

Ah, sorry to hear. Maybe next one you'll get it.
I'm glad you're doing well though.

I've just been caught up with schoolwork, volunteering, and work a lot.

Originally Posted by romn4 View Post
Im doing great I am getting really good in game I think I might try to get on the warring team
Btw thank you for letting me be in this clan as time goes on I like this clan more and more I am so grateful for being apart of this clan

That's good to hear, and yeah, definitely.
You're most certainly welcome. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it.

Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
Wow i really miss alot during two days,oh also welcome romn4 and xNess happy to have you man

Things can go pretty quickly for sure.

Originally Posted by Star View Post
Also some good news; finally am fully recovered from a rotator cuff injury and am now back on the weights after a month off!

I'm happy to hear you're fully recovered star. ^^

Please welcome Philosopher to Essence. He is the newest addition to our community.
We've also just reached our member-cap, so applications will be closed from now on.
Essence is officially full.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
GG Essence, GG. We win. What do we win exactly? All of the cookies. That's what we win.

Congrats everyone thanks for joining and making this clan more awesome. Cookies for you all. (except Kamura)