View Poll Results: Does dying in a war as a soldier make you a hero?
Yes, regardless of their actions
1 Votes / 11.11%
Yes, but only if they are defending their country
4 Votes / 44.44%
No, with some exceptions
3 Votes / 33.33%
No, defiantly not, wars are stupid
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

[README] Rules of YES and all of Toribash Forums
I have put these rules here to prevent you from getting banned from Toribash.

These are all the rules of YES:

Rule #1: Don't spam.
Rule #2: Don't flame.
Rule #3: Be cool.
Rule #4: Do not complain about stupid stuff that is outside our complaint thread.
Rule #5: Do not annoy/offend any of our members, doing so will result in a reasonable punishment.
Rule #6: Post things in their designated thread. All thread titles will be clearly displayed and important ones will be stickied.
Rule #7: Don't give our clan a bad rep, say nice, positive stuff.
Rule #8: (Big one)
Getting banned from the Toribash Community temporarily will result in you being ranked down in the clan, and with a warning. If you get banned again, you get kicked from the clan.
These are the rules for all the Toribash Forums.

Originally Posted by ronalds
Forum rules
We have lots of rules to keep order and prevent ridiculous behaviour. If you are found to break any rules on the forums you may be banned or infracted, so its best that you play by the rules, and then everyone can be happy. There are lots of threads with rules stated on them, so to make it easier to know what all the rules are, I have links to all of the forums rules here:

General rules
Discussion board rules
Replay board rules
Book of records rules
Suggestion board rules
Art board rules
Mods board rules
Lua board rules
Tutorials board rules
Support board rules
Market board rules

Quoted from The Ultimate Toribash Forum Guide.
I advise taking a look.
actually i was not wrong when you get banned you get ranked down to PB no matter wat fargle set up this rule and i abide it
[YES] Award System
Well as you may know YES has quite alot of TC in the bank. So...We will now be introducing an award system. Below are the awards and why you will receive them.

These are the rules for the awards; 1 point = 1000 ToriCredits etc. You can bank your points to save them up instead of redeeming them straight away.

These are the reasons that you will receive the "awards".

Going up a belt = 1 point
Defeating an enemy clan member (save a replay) = 1 point
A new rank in forums (eg. Senior Member, ub3r) = 1 point
Ranking up in the clan = 1 point
Winning a tourney = 2 points
Second in a tourney = 1 point
Getting a 10 win streak (screenshot it with F5! No points for getting streaks in jousting, too easy) = 1 point
Going up 500 posts = 1 point
Winning an event = 2 points
Second in an event = 1 point

These are the reasons you will lose the "awards":

Double posting = -1 point per double post (Use the "EDIT" button)
Random letters = -1 point per every 2 letters
Useless posts = -1 point per post
One day ban = -1 point per day


A red I means that point has been either redeemed or revoked.

Elmo22: III
ImpalemenT: I
Somguy: I I
360bank: I
Liam217: II
Ddfrules/Zena: I
Somguy: I
Chickenpox: IIII
Last edited by Chickenpox; Jul 24, 2009 at 07:35 PM.