Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
No... please ultimate dont die, you guys are THE clan which i wanted to join when i was new.

Trust me when I say this, we won't die.

I don't think so at least, because we have like....10 active members or something I think.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm probably wrong.
Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
Trust me when I say this, we won't die.

I don't think so at least, because we have like....10 active members or something I think.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm probably wrong.

But everyones slowly leaving...
Its getting sad
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
But everyones slowly leaving...
Its getting sad

Meh, Rescudo and Nerfpls was sad I agree, but come on.

Noone likes Cold :^)

Yes I agree with you that we are a bit inactive, but hey, all clans have their inactive phase, don't they?

Side note: Do we have a Skype chat? Some add me please; DefyInstinct
Oh no, we are not going to die.
I mean, we are inactive, but like not "that" inactive to die.
Like, most people in the clan aren't going to leave cause, well we are people that have been here for really long.
This clan was created based on what Jak & I envisioned what a clan should be. We both came from clan's where activity checks was frequent and rules were strict. I didn't like that. We both wanted a clan that we could call family. We had hiccups in the beginning and had a lot of good people come and go. I don't ask for much. As you already know, I don't do activity checks because I understand that we have our lives outside of this game. This clan is where you can be sure that once you are in the family, we got your back. Faithfulness, loyalty, kindness and respect is the core aspect of this clan. If you see someone get out of line, correct it or PM us and either Jak or myself can handle it. We are not going anywhere, and our activity will continue to be consistent as the way it is now. If you don't like it, then you are free to leave, just don't come back.
Originally Posted by FoJoTheFox View Post
Where do I apply for ultimate? Do I post it here or somewhere else and where is the application I fill out? Ty

In the "Want to join Ultimate? Post here" thread
As Ian said. This clan was based on what him and I thought a clan should be...

At the beginning of everything, we went through Wicked, Secret, Mr., and TPC (with a few more on the side). TPC was a clan that we fit in the best because it wasn't needed to be super active (Piegod <3). We then left TPC and we were both clanless for a while which was sort of nice, and then there was talk of a clan. A month went by and we decided to put it into effect.

I remember choosing the name like it was yesterday. First the clantag would have been [Ai] with the name of something I don't remember (not artificial intelligence). Then we came up with [u]. I made Ultimate and then 5 days later when ian came on he joined in (because it was both of our clan, I just made it bad timing when he couldn't get on.

We started to build the clan... Few but proud. We made the clan into a small family and we didn't want a whole lot of people... We hosted some pretty big events, became official, and continued on. As we continued, the clan grew.... It grew, and grew, and we reached the maximum capacity. This is BULLSHIT. But... We stayed at max, and some people left eventually and others didn't. We became a family, active or not. We will always stick together. If you don't want to, then you don't need to be here nor do we want you here, but if you stick around, we will make sure that Ultimate will never die, and Ultimate never will. It died once, but it was revived not to long later....

We have a reputation of "elitist" which idk why, we all fucking suck ass at this game, but we gained it. We became of the few clans that everybody almost knew, and now? Well idk about now. There are a lot of people that still want to join, I get pm's all the time, but we are a few of the proud... We are family. If you want to join this family, prove to me... to us, that you can ride or die (fast and the furious <3). Love you all much.

You all still suck ass though... Equally <3
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin