no need to post in this thread if its not an application, we sure do know that it is the weekend ;o


I actually really like this replay. The opener was hella nice and fast, props on that.
The decap was pretty neat aswell,
although the second hit is pretty weirdly aimed considering the outcome of it.
The cork at the end was not needed and it really wasn't all that good, that's pretty much my biggest problem with the replay, which isn't such a big problem.

Eh, this was a bit of a let down from the last replay. The opener was pretty generic, and not all that good looking.
The split of ok, the hook was ok but again you pretty much just smashed it with your entire leg to get those dms (not like complaining about dm count in 5.0 even makes sense).
The smash was pretty neat at first glance but when I realized you only got one dm from it and the other one was you ripping it, it dropped on the impressive scale a bit.

Two Large Cities
The potential of that opener was pretty much wasted. The opener after that little backjump was pretty bad, not gonna lie.
Through most of the manipulation you looked like you didn't know what you were doing, but it dnt look super bad.
The first dm hit was neat, but I was expecting you to do something with the split body, but you really didn't. The legs just kinda jump around and serve no purpose.
The crotch boom was a grab dm but ok, I can let that slide, although it looked like you wanted to make it look like the kick from your lower body did that, which is not something I like personally, but that's all me.
The next boom was actually pretty alright, although you looked a bit stiff.

I was really excited when I saw your first replay. It was very nice, and had all your replays been up to that standard I would say yes. But then the other replays came and they were nowhere near the first one.
This does mean that you are able to do better replays , so Im fully expecting you to get in here soon, but for now, it is going to be a no


Little Thoughts
Opener was pretty neat, all flowed well and it looked alright. The knee dm was alright, the following whatever wasn't. The momentum switch looked bad and so did the hit itself.
Making consecutive hits with the same limb twice look good is hard, so if you aren't completely confident in it looking good don't do it.
The transition to the next hit took you a while and looked pretty meh, did expect something better out of the hit but I guess that's just me being picky/

Opener was a bit twitchy but it had a pretty good idea, it was nice for a manip opener. The manipulation itself was not really up to standard tho. The first lif was alright, albeit a bit twitchy.
Then for some reason you hooked his legs for like a frame which did absolutely nothing. The next lift/spin was nice tho, liked it.
Then you try to kick him twice which, again, doesn't do anything and doesn't look pleasant. Grab to hit is a no-no in manips, double glute dm was ok.
Then, again, you just kinda kick ukes back, which looked like it was supposed to be a dm but you couldn't get it so you left it there.

Opener was pretty neat, it looked nice, had good flow. Don't mind the grab, although the hit was meh, considering it was a shin hit, which can be transformed into neat hits.
The transition to the split was pretty nice too, as was the split. The decap looked a bit stiff tho. Not much else to say about this replay

I have definitely seen better replays from you. These replays are not ORMO worthy, but I sure as hell know you can make better ones. I am going to say no but Im pretty sure the next time around you apply you will have a good chance of joining.
Last edited by duck; May 7, 2016 at 01:23 PM.
I agree with Gargon. Diuwaybuns, that first replay was promising, but the others weren't anywhere near ORMO level.

And Alphanoob, you have made better replays than this. These are good, but you seem indecisive in some of you're movements. No to both
I want join the replaymakers

matrix 3.rpl

THE ACCIDENT.rpl (this is in a train station)

try dooing parkour.rpl

then someone can tell me about my replays like gargon or otherone on the replaymakers?
Last edited by jorgul; May 14, 2016 at 05:26 PM.

-updated kyoto, i assume it's fine because judging hasn't started yet
Attached Files
Jamba.rpl (302.4 KB, 50 views)
Picky Eater.rpl (253.3 KB, 40 views)
Kyoto.rpl (239.8 KB, 29 views)
Last edited by Glimpsed; May 11, 2016 at 07:01 PM.

oh man I feel bad for doing this mi amigo, but those replays are nowhere near ormo. they arent even a bit presentable here. it doesn't feel like replaymaking, you should invest your time into replaymaking if you want to apply here. So, im sorry, but you are denied


Don't have much to say about this replay.
It started to get a little clunky when you started the juggling section but the rest of goddamn amazing, this is definitely an ormo replay in my eyes.

Picky eater
Liked the opener, although you seem to move your arms rather frantically, a bit more than seems necessary.
The split was pretty fine, as was the the manipulation on the upper body, but the final hit kinda ruined it for me.
It was clunky, badly aimed, you looked weird and it was pretty slow. Its not a bad replay, but not a really great one either.

To me, this was the worst one of the three. The opener was rather generic, although the spin to the split and the split were pretty good.
The next shin hit didn't really stand out to me personally, but the follow up decap was pretty trill.
The little stop before the arm rip also looked meh. In the overall replay in general it looked like it lacked the flow of the first two.

So, overall, you have definitely showed that you are a pretty good replaymaker, but these 3 replays don't really cut it for me, therefore im saying no. I am excited about your next app tho, good luck!
Jamba was pretty great except when you had to time your juggle and it forced you to hesitate for a few frames.
Picky Eater would be 100% ormo for me if the last hit was more natural. I didn't have any problems with the replay except that part, even the arm swinging in the opener was fine by me.
Kyoto wasn't very special, aside from the decap (wasn't expecting that, it was pretty cool). I like the idea of the rip dm at the end but it could have looked a bit cooler had you not gone for an anti pose immediately afterwards.

I agree with Gargon, I think there are specific moments in the first two replays that stop me from asking you to replace the third one and force me to vote no. Usually I tell people "there is some really cool stuff here but..." in your case it's more like "these are really cool but there are some lame things that stop me from saying yes". Since the bad parts are mere moments and not really recurring problems, I think you can easily put up a good ormo app next time if you try to be a bit more perfectionist and maybe a bit crazier aswell.

jorgul sorry we only accept mortals
oh yeah