danm i just had a great game

a wukong on my team did a penta on the enemy by himself but the funny part is that i went to him with sivir and i activated my aura but i didnt attacked, just walking around while he got the penta xO

so funny.

Another funny thing is that i got a game with malphite before my game with sivir and when i was about to win my game bugged and now i dont have the game on my profile lol.

1000 ip missing for wukong!!! next week ill start ranked or ill just get higher on normals.
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New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Not this guy icarry fizz allday erryday
but whenever i try to play ad tf i do horrible but i still think its fun

Don't act like your better then everyone.
3v3 sucks.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
I love Galio. Hell, I love tanks in general.


<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
galios 2 stronk

guys wukong or galios?

i was going to get wukog for solo top/jungle but galios allows me to mid/solo top

they both are my kinda of champs ( good ulti = win ) so which one?
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