@Rappunk, so like squads? Pretty nice idea, hope it works out for you guys!
@Yuseimot, no thanks, obey is full of... never mind...
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
Originally Posted by xNess View Post
@Rappunk, so like squads? Pretty nice idea, hope it works out for you guys!

Nope, like entire clans.
Each clan would be a 'branch' under Essence.
Multiple clans all united essentially.

Essence-Minor, our training clan, would be a branch of Essence.
Essence, this clan, would be a branch of Essence.

zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
A little confusing, sure, but I think once you implement that idea it would help a lot with player space. I can see this clan being huge...

I have some left over TC from Pyro's bank that could possibly help (about 30k), I am willing to invest a lot to make this clan the best! (If Apricity ever pays me back of course).
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Nope, like entire clans.
Each clan would be a 'branch' under Essence.
Multiple clans all united essentially.

Essence-Minor, our training clan, would be a branch of Essence.
Essence, this clan, would be a branch of Essence.


I thought of essence (this clan) as the main hub so to speak of the entire unit for lack of a better name.
|Essence staff manager|
Originally Posted by xNess View Post
A little confusing, sure, but I think once you implement that idea it would help a lot with player space. I can see this clan being huge...

I have some left over TC from Pyro's bank that could possibly help (about 30k), I am willing to invest a lot to make this clan the best! (If Apricity ever pays me back of course).

When we move closer to the implementation, it'll become more clear.
There are still a lot of details to iron out.

Also, thank you very much for your offer, but we'll be okay for now.
As we move closer towards some of our other goals, perhaps we'll accept donations, but right now we're set.
Thank you very much though for the generosity.

Originally Posted by Okami View Post
I thought of essence (this clan) as the main hub so to speak of the entire unit for lack of a better name.

Actually, come to think of it, that's a really good idea.
Things are far from being set in stone and we're always open to modification if it means improvement, so perhaps we'll do it like that.

I think that'd be a great idea.


Heh, it really does seem like we've assimilated Pyro entirely.

Please give a warm welcome to Romn4, xNess, and imaSlayaa.
They are the newest additions to Essence.

Also, the roster has been updated here.
Last edited by rappunk23; Jan 26, 2014 at 11:32 AM.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Welcome to your newest members, hopefully I'll be joining them ;)

I assume these branches, such as essence minor, will be left purposely unofficial? Or are there plans to get them to official status?
8,000th post.

I can't believe we're almost at our cap. Two more spots left, soon to be one I imagine.
If you count the inactive Essence members who went inactive before the toriclans came about, we're well over that.

Essence is pretty large. xP Bound to get larger though.

Edit: @Star
You ninja'd me. <3
Yes, hopefully.

Essence-Minor is purposely left unofficial just because it's a training clan and it doesn't really need a board.
The plan is though, yes, to get these branches to official status.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
The ninja... I haven't seen one of them I can remember since 2011 holy wow
Essence minor I can understand, but surely a theme would need to fit with each branch, otherwise it would be VERY similar to simply expanding the clan with more clans when reaching member caps, which is not the best idea lol

Themed branches would work well IMO, or something to that effect anyway.
Congrats on your 8000th post. I remember when I was about to hit 12k.... those days are long gone. I blame siku.
Originally Posted by Star View Post
The ninja... I haven't seen one of them I can remember since 2011 holy wow
Essence minor I can understand, but surely a theme would need to fit with each branch, otherwise it would be VERY similar to simply expanding the clan with more clans when reaching member caps, which is not the best idea lol

Themed branches would work well IMO, or something to that effect anyway.
Congrats on your 8000th post. I remember when I was about to hit 12k.... those days are long gone. I blame siku.

Well, the idea would be to expand the clan with more clans when reaching member caps. ><
I'm open to hear your opinions though. What would make that not such a good idea, and would you care to explain your idea of themed branches?

Heh, how frustrating. What happened there?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]