What happened?

Oh and. Now that we know that you were faking it. Get ready for some real bashing.
It's not very nice to stress the hell out of people for no reason.
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I didn't fake it. I just got released from fucking hospital, I have a cut up wrist to prove it. Does that satisfy? This really makes me feel good. Thanks cap'n, I can always count on you for some good comments at hand.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
I was in hospital not long ago for a split head it didnt hurt much but i think it was due to a concussion cause i was bleeding all over the place
okay i got a question: who is out other clan enemy? like who do we hate and want to decap every body there until it is completely demolished?

[oh and thanks for that money thing XD]
I think you meant "our" not "out".If that is what you meant,then the answer is,we don't really hate any of our enemies.They added us to their enemies list.So we did too.
Originally Posted by B0sS View Post
I didn't fake it. I just got released from fucking hospital, I have a cut up wrist to prove it. Does that satisfy? This really makes me feel good. Thanks cap'n, I can always count on you for some good comments at hand.

Well that could've been the first thing you said.
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