1: will the launch screen ever be revamped
to include links to the forum || irc || community events || etc.

2: will grab swaps ever be removed from the game
Last edited by Fear; Jul 15, 2015 at 06:02 AM.
Originally Posted by Fear View Post
2: will grab swaps ever be removed from the game

Hopefully not lmao))))))))))
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
What's the best Swedish word and why is it 'lagom'?

Ever considered taking Toribash to a game expo and doing a demo/stall/talk? Any plans for it?


What are your honest opinions on the community? Do you think it's too young? Too immature? Just right? I always wondered this, because it's the one thing you can't fully control.

Well, that and veb.
goodbye cruel world
Hampu! Will we see a /pay command for in-game payments in 5.0?
If you weren't even thinking about that, plz make it a thing
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.
Originally Posted by Redstone56 View Post
Hampu! Will we see a /pay command for in-game payments in 5.0?
If you weren't even thinking about that, plz make it a thing

ah yes
let's implement an easily exploitable system into toribash
that sounds wonderful
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.