:3 Thanks Trichard, I'm gonna start making changes now, I'll make a short list of what I'll changemake first jump shorter/lower, make more sexy/realistic, add details, make the ladder swingy, make most of the jumps a little bit easier.) I went through it, I see what you mean.

Silent, that's got to be one of the most adorable little dogs I've seen. My friend has a skinny chihuahua that's skin and bones. Yeah, try not to squish it as that would probably hurt it and make you feel like crap. I never had a dog, so I wouldn't understand what's a good name, but yeah naming her Killer would probably be a mistake. Also treat her with love, some people practically torture their pets and expect them to love them, if you do that I will hunt you down and beat you with a bag of potatoes.
I got bitten by a total of 3 little doggies at the park when I was in elementary, so I don't really like them... Well, I like to LOOK AT dogs, but from a safe distance, yes it's really cute I'm not a professional dog namer, in my opinion, "Emi" doesn't sound so bad. Is it short for Emily?

By the way, Merry Christmas everyone!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Forgot to say that, Merry Christmas everyone.

BTW, whose participating in the Tori-Santa event? I know for sure I am.
@Silent: Nice doggy, congrats. Just because it's female it doesn't mean it can't have a name that sounds intimidating. Something like Shade or Terra. Though I would never get such a creature as a pet. These species seem decorative to me, if I ever get a dog I'd get a husky or a German Shepherd, they at least look remotely like wolves. And they are capable of surviving on their own, which sadly most little dog species are incapable of doing. However, I do love pretty much all animals, and I'd tell you what the others said. Though I'm pretty sure you wouldn't treat it like a toy. It's a responsibility, it should feel safe and cared for. I'm more of a cat person(who would have thought, huh?), I haven't had a dog yet. But for any small animal(especially when they're young), watch your step. Tripping over it might be a nuisance for you, but it could injure or at least scare it. Good luck raising it to be awesome

@clan: Happy Presents Day tomorrow(or today, hell if I know when you celebrate it). 'Cause come on, we all know we don't enjoy the coming days because a guy(who was both the son of a deity and the deity itself, whilst somehow representing the holy trinity, which is yet to be defined in the same way by any two religious people) was supposedly nailed to two pieces of wood, then trapped in a cave in which he was supposedly revived and ascended to the sky whilst remarking "screw you guys, I'm going home". So, happy whatever-the-hell-doesn't-offend-you, I'm out for the next few days. Hopefully going to a place with a lot of snow, spending most of my days sledding.

P.S: More on Christmas


One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Im not gonna have the time to say this tomorrow (since im celebrating it then) so here it is.
Happy happy xmes to all of you. This clan is so much fun so ty. :P
and silent, that dog of urs is too damn cute. I named my dog Luna, but since mine is white it fits. But its still a nice name for a dog, in my opinion. But tell me how ur gonna name her pls
Last edited by shrimp24; Dec 23, 2012 at 11:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Happy Festivus to the Hunters clan

I'll probably be online for tomorrow and Christmas day, I'm not going anywhere for the holidays, so I really have nothing better to do anyway.

I'm going to try and record my sister's reaction to the dog. Does anyone know how to upload video to the forums without putting it on youtube first?
The only other way would be uploading it to mediafire, megaupload or something like that first, then posting the link. Other than that, not quite sure.