Nearly, It was a very unique opener I liked it.
When you finally hit after the spin ,which I loved, it was a nice hit.
It was nice when you came back after the kick, but you didn't keep the flow.
You sorta sat there for a little and then you launched at him.
Then you did a back spin and kicked him, it was okay, but you both kicked each other and it looked really messy.
aanndd then you pinged.
It was an okay spar overall.
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Spar with FireSun.rpl (475.3 KB, 14 views)
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

You both seemed a little... slow and out of control of your tori's.
It was kind of unrealistic, and you just fooled off your momentum as soon as you gained it.
But who am i to judge, i bet i cant do better myself.

I'm gonna post a spar later when i get home. ;)
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poop.rpl (834.8 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by MagikerN; Sep 11, 2013 at 05:10 PM.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

So, I'm new to the RSO, and was just wondering if this part is still open. I'd really like to get some CnC on my replays that I have to offer. First off however, is the CnC to Nearly's knock.

Although short, the openers on both part were great. Lots of momentum was used to propel yourself towards each other in a twisty, and acrobatic fashion. The connections were clean for the most part, and your comebacks towards each other were great. Because this replay was very short however, it is difficult to give further critique.

For my own replay, I want to begin to use more flips, and momentum when I spar. So in this replay, please try to comment on the execution of the flips, and how I dealt with knock back. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.

PS. I'm sorry for the keyframes, I have no idea what they even are, or how I put them into the replay. If needed, you can also do /opt tori to only view me.
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SkyWhale- jhet77 spar final.rpl (552.9 KB, 12 views)
yes this thread is open
but people in rso either barely post or are too lazy to post areplay, Since I finally sparred again i'll post this peice of crap and give you cnc.

opener was generic and ok
but the way you transitioned into the frontflip over him looked stiff akward and twitchy
the next thing you did was bad becuase it made the spar(if you can even call it that)
look as if your doing nothing but collaborative tricking
the transition to the next punch wasn't good but it wasn't bad either
and the horse stance for the punch looked nice and natural
you should have told jhet to relax his leg becuase you flew way to far away from him
the next thing you did would have looked better as akick and the run away from him was really akward
so was the transition to the pose

p.s. you cnc'ed the wrong person(cnc -mat- instead)
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#Vs Rolandman.rpl (717.3 KB, 22 views)
Doing my own r2r thing pls excuse the lowballs
Hey Jubularity, i see in that replay Uneko and Jclark are sparring, not you and Rolandman. Maybe you should post one of your own replays for us to CnC, unless you are Uneko.
Last edited by Dobby; Jan 17, 2014 at 09:03 PM.
tis from when I was banned

Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource

I see that sitting down and spinny reversing movement opener thing a lot, but i enjoyed how you executed it smoothly. I also like how you continued your spin by kicking the ground with your left leg, great form you got there. again, at 1300 I love what you did. you didnt go for a generic spinny jumping kick like i always do and you kept your flow nicely.
I dislike how your glutes were spread while you were punching at 1230. also you kept those glutes extended for about.. 60 frames? that seems to be a stance most people use while they are punching and i think it was kinda lame.
The crescent kick after that was marvelous. again, your body looked weird at 1100 with those contracted hips but i really like how you kept your movement going.
You should have stopped after you punched his butt, the jump before the pose looked random. nice pose btw

overall, I really like the parts where you weren't touching rolandman

ok if someone can tell me which parts of my replay suck more i would greatly appreciate it thanks
btw i edited the last kick because my opponent pinged like 10 frames before his foot touched my head
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eazi - spar vs Pridesoul.rpl (494.5 KB, 8 views)
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Your type of style is fun to watch and your kicks are just beautiful all you need to work on is balance, you are to much on your hands. Cool Replay.

Anyway I decided to spar today n' shit... so yeah...
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~S-Demini2.rpl (445.4 KB, 10 views)