For me hands are a let down.
Textures seem to bright.
I still would enjoy it more if barreta went a little more hand drawn.
nahh,it aint bright,i tested it out,it looks perfect with ivory,also the texs are 512 so they will be even more perfect when HD comes out,and about hand drawn it will become too much freestyle and less realistic if it had more drawing,but offcourse il wait atleast for vermine,avwave has not responded

hands you mean the fists?
It looks pretty good in my opinion.
I dunno anything about art and texture, listen to Mc who knows better these stuffs.
Long gone
well,just contacted vermine,looks like he ain't gonna do it afterall,i also pm'ed avwave somedays ago but i did not get a reply,il try contact him again but if he ain't gonna do it il prob just wait 1 or 2 weeks and see what to do then

edit:k,looks like vermine will do it after all xD
Last edited by nikosefs; May 23, 2010 at 03:13 PM.
You've always got Pate5 who got artist of the month from his amazing knight head.
Now he is a guy you should contact if you like armored kind of sets.
I'd prefer avwave tho, each to there own I suppose.