Hi hello lads of tl;dr. Thanks for adding me to honourary members, could you put my usertitle instead?

And, is everything fixed now with the issues we had earlier?
Modo Bestia
Hello Nerti. You deserved it buddy, you are helping us a lot to run the things out. Which issues are you talking about, many things happened while I was sleeping. Such activity.

Also, good job with the clan war guys, we almost won. I am looking forward to start playing with you. Let's get that rank.
Last edited by Daedalus; Mar 8, 2015 at 05:32 PM.
Daed was involved? Or is this a separate thing that happened after I got off?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
No it was just Chuck, and maybe Redundant. Daed's been asleep during the #hi debacle. Happened after you got off. Sorta all sorted, now.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Nice, thanks man. Thanks for helping out in the war too.

Yeah everyone, we just had our first war. Zelda, Jodus and me vs Krulls, Flamesmash and a bunch of other WAPOW guys. Our first war against the first ranked war clan...

and it was sooo close! Zelda was in beastmode and won 5 straight in a row. At one point, the scores were 6-2 to us. Then, gradually and slowly, WAPOW made up the ground. It was 9-7 to us and then they managed to pull ahead to win 9-10. Really great, really close war.

We'll get 'em next time ;)

Awww yes great fights guys and dayum that decap maria did to me was a big rip for me, sorry guys :c I'll do it better the next war.
Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Agh, Jodus I can post some cool pics too


Yep, quality of photo sucks but I love this pictures.It's a place near the cinema in my old city, Mariupol. Miss my old town ;-;

Nice pics! What country is?
Amazing sunset there.
Originally Posted by ToasterDan View Post
Nice pictures Jodus, I especially like the bird one, for some reason. It's just a nice bird, and is it a pelican? It looks like one. Let's call it a pelican even if it isn't one.

Yes is Pelican. Thanks xd, I took like 20 photos in a row at that bird because it was constantly moving the wings lol
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post


Originally Posted by Nerti View Post


Of cours this post was too long and you didn't read, but that should clear up your confusion.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

TBH, I'm still not entirely sure what they were trying to do. But I am sure it is just because I am inept so no need to worry.
Good morning sweet princess