Someone already asked who else was working alongside with you on this and as far as I can remember, that was classified. Therefore I'll ask, how many people are currently helping to build the game, and do you intend on gathering more people?
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Originally Posted by Legendexpe View Post
would i have to download another version if it comes out?

It's not an update. it's a new game, meaning a whole new client.

Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
i know you already answered this by "when its done" but will it take alot of time, like a year or two, i want to know cause i cannot be any more hyped.

There's no definite answer from anyone to that. It all deppends on how much he's working on it and on what development stage he will bring it out, aswell as how many problems occur throughout development.

However, as the Toribash Gameplay is fairly simple in comparison to other games, there's only 1 big core feature to program instead of many medium sized contents. I would give it a few months until it's at an acceptable state.
Note that none of this what I said is proved, but rather based on assumptions, thoughts, and experiences.
Last edited by Fluxorious; May 28, 2017 at 11:06 PM.
I hope that a new Toribash game wouldn't re-ban all the previous people who've been banned. This is going to re-birth your game so, you should be ready for everyone to come into it.
Neat idea when multiplayer platform upgrades to 4. There can be puzzles and team events. Ie get over this wall with 3 or 4 people kinda gamesm. Tug of war. Tag. Sports games. Better wrestling mod. So many more options.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by MoonSick View Post
I hope that a new Toribash game wouldn't re-ban all the previous people who've been banned. This is going to re-birth your game so, you should be ready for everyone to come into it.

toribahs next still uses the same forums and accounts, so if your account is banned in toribash, it will also be banned in toribash next
can we get an estimated release date? I know it's probably to early to tell but a simple estimate would be nice.