for fuck sake
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
We applied to be official today bois

Time to get instantly denied and sink 25k

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
think of the economical advantages
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Why did you taint you name with something so vile.

Also I can't wait till we get rejected from being official.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
if we get official ever it's because we rigged it and i will be reporting all of my clan members including myself to hampus himself

also, please, for the love of christ, pm me some tribe event ideas. i can't think of anything at all

big up to Shook for doing our Discord emoji set!
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
still looking for a hulu account, i repeat, please give me your hulu account o m g

you guys are my friends, my enemies, and so much more
please help a brother out in his time of need, shine a golden ray of charity upon my otherwise impoverished television viewing capabilities and let me use your hulu account please