Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
No problem at least you're making an effort to post here. Feel free to join any conversation or even start one of your own perhaps

Wow that you very much this almost brings a tear to my eye every one here is so so nice i could not imagine a better clan.
Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
Wow that you very much this almost brings a tear to my eye every one here is so so nice i could not imagine a better clan.

Haha you're welcome man, I'm glad you like it here.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
That's pretty good for sounds.
How many people have you done so far?

Ah, I think I should check those out at some point.
What's your subscriber-base?

I think I have done around 7-9 I am not sure though.
Sold another sound ;) No one would have thought selling Sounds would get you so much profit. I spent almost all my profit but I have made 21300 in total.
Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
I'd like an anime avatar. ;)

Honestly i think that is the smartest choice and mabe the easy est people make them all the time im sure u will find he right person.
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
901 subscribers, 219000 total video views and 519 videos.

Heh, that's pretty good mate.
Do you have much audience participation?

Originally Posted by Okami View Post
I'm not active. I'm not. because I'm not posting a replay saying I am. that definitely not what this is. :3

But tbh I activity has been lacking the past few week due to a freakin head cold. which sucks >.> totally messed up my sleeping pattern. but yeah just thought Id share why I haven't been seen around the forums that much this past week.

Nah mate, I understand that completely.
Earlier in the month, I was bedridden for a week because of some awful flu.

Anyhow, don't worry about it at all. Just get rested.

Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
I haven't been posting much either, been really busy lately.

Mh, me too mate.
Don't pressure yourself into posting though.

Just come back in more once you're finished.
I'm having the same problem. Too much work.

Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
Hey guys, new member of Essence, I'm hoping to get to know you all soon. Thank you for all your positive votes on the application thread, and I will be active. ;)
And hi Yuseimot. ^^
I'm thinking of getting a new avvy.

Welcome to the clan tyler.
It's good to see you here and I think you'll get along just fine.
If you have any questions, feel free to message myself or ConCon.

Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Please, the lack of avatars creep me out a bit. (whereas my avatar is totally calm and relaxing - LOL)

Yeah, same here.
It just feels very, unusual.

Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
hello Tyler im so happy you got into essence congratulations welcome to the clan man,Oh also sorry guys for not posting here for a bit its a kinda awkward thing that i don't know any one in the clan.

Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
No problem at least you're making an effort to post here. Feel free to join any conversation or even start one of your own perhaps

Yuseimot, don't even worry about it.
Like ConCon said, at least you're making an effort.
Everybody here is pretty friendly, so all you really need to do is jump into conversations and you'll get to know everyone pretty quickly.

We don't bite.

Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
Wow that you very much this almost brings a tear to my eye every one here is so so nice i could not imagine a better clan.

I'm thankful to hear you're finding it that way.
Having a friendly and accepting atmosphere is very important to us.

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
I think I have done around 7-9 I am not sure though.

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Sold another sound ;) No one would have thought selling Sounds would get you so much profit. I spent almost all my profit but I have made 21300 in total.

Heh, that's pretty good. Yeah, I wouldn't have thought that at all.
Still, 21k just off of sounds is amazing. xP


Long, long response, heh.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Welcome to the clan tyler.
It's good to see you here and I think you'll get along just fine.
If you have any questions, feel free to message myself or ConCon.

I love it here, you guys are active and friendly. ;)
And maybe I can find a good artist in the art section, I'll see who's selling anime.