Originally Posted by Liquidoom View Post
I'm good, welcome to inq. I have ~1 week before I start my summer job (lifeguarding)

Sweet gig.

Lifeguarding is a noble vocation.

The eye candy is a definite plus.
As a lifeguard you are the eye candy.
Don't forget to make sure your swimwear is as revealing as it possibly can be without making you look like a whore.
Last edited by Zelda; Jun 16, 2015 at 05:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Link View Post
what type of truck was it? And how fast was it going?

A tow truck, going about 25 miles a hour.
Well, Rune, we're pretty much full.
Maybe if we lose a few, but I doubt that'll be happening.
Last edited by Donkey; Jun 17, 2015 at 04:21 AM.
father of philip scone
InsanE can you stop entering IRC then leaving when people don't respond to you for a while ;-;

[07:16.29] <InsanE> Hello you afkers
[07:17.53] <Triton> pf
[07:18.06] * Zockinator ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:20.35] <InsanE> How you doing Triton boy?
[07:21.18] * ape (Ethan@34CFCBC4.7E614952.E5F5FA55.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:23.37] * B sets mode +o Link for #claninq
[07:25.35] <Tuna> hm
[07:26.23] * Fran__ is now known as Fran
[07:26.31] <Fran> hey Tuna
[07:26.37] <Tuna> hey man
[07:26.47] <Fran> have you ever tried acid?
[07:26.59] <Tuna> yes
[07:27.06] <Fran> cool
[07:27.08] <Tuna> why?
[07:27.49] <Fran> coz I took 25i-NBOMe the other day
[07:28.45] * InsanE (webchat@1BAD559F.E0C95B5C.36FDE2D8.IP) Quit (Quit: meh)

I would have said hello to you but you left right before i was going to. Anyway i'm fairly decent, nice to see you around with you being inactive all the time and such <3
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
I have like 30 mins a day to do things not related to work or sleep (which I manage to do in 4 hours yay me), so if people do not respond in a certain (perhaps short) amout of time, then I definitely have other shit to do. Trying to make some activity out of this pit of work that I'm in, but kinda hard.
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
I'm back from stuff.

So Creati0n nearly gets pancaked by a tow truck.
Please, man. Be careful.

Nice to meet you, sham. I'm new-ish.

Nice to meet ya.

Sorry for the inactivity, had a busy school year. Now that i'm on break I should be really active. Oh and today is my birthday, so that's neat.
Here's a birthday present, just post every day or two. Hit up the IRC some times as well, it's good to see you again man.