Hi I'm in tribe inq now congrats me. I would like to thank my mother for always being there for me, and creati0n for asking me if I wanted to be in inq. But lightningkid, you da real mvp.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
bitch i am the real mvp HELLO

Also, welcome. Nice to see you man, looking forward to seeing the next few here as well.
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
Hi I'm in tribe inq now congrats me. I would like to thank my mother for always being there for me, and creati0n for asking me if I wanted to be in inq. But lightningkid, you da real mvp.

I guess getting into Inq is just as important as winning an academy award.
a spoon.
It's wonderful to meet you all. I'm glad that you've all given a shot at joining our clan. Welcome aboard, and enjoy your stay.
Oh hey whatshisface is here. Trick. He had another name. I forgot it.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.