yeah i have a couple of thing going to do for the clan. events is one of them. im going to do a event after i get our private board an get more tc.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
Originally Posted by Lunie View Post
Hello, Legend.

I'm Lunie and I'm gonna post here cause it says invaders welcome ?

So what's up with you guys!

Hi,Bro welcome

Originally Posted by staybackk View Post
OMG SORRY ive been inactive for the past week but i just got an
Awesome bargain! .3. at least i think O_o persian force is 50k but i got
it for 16!!! :OOOO Tell me if its a good bargain>?
oh and from now on im gnna be ingame Jo Tourney3 if you'd like to see me
ill probrably be on sometime so yeah

Ok be active to be safe

Originally Posted by Drakeco View Post
yeah i have a couple of thing going to do for the clan. events is one of them. im going to do a event after i get our private board an get more tc.

yep! its a wonderful plan of mine that i see working.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
Originally Posted by Drakeco View Post
yeah i have a couple of thing going to do for the clan. events is one of them. im going to do a event after i get our private board an get more tc.

Maybe, you should spend like 50k on banners and what not, cause what sparks the

attention of players in toribash is how appealing the first post is. You need banners that seem like the Tourney is legit and people will enter.

After that add an entry fee and then add like 50k to the ending prize off what you make with the entry fee.

So really all you need is 100k to host a good looking tourney.
If you work hard 100k is not that hard to get.

There are many ways of getting it, dueling or marketing or just plain buying it.
Well yeah, we would need about 100k for that. But I was thanking of doing like a avater contest.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!