Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
Uh hey guys im yusei im a new member i hope to get to know you all very well so if there were any things you want to tell me about your self that would be nice

Welcome to the clan, Yusei.
It's good to have you here.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Welcome to the clan, Yusei.
It's good to have you here.

Thank you very much its good to be here,so this is kinda our main thread right?
Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
Thank you very much its good to be here,so this is kinda our main thread right?

You're very welcome.
This is our main discussion thread for off-topic things.
We do have a threads for art, replays, etc. though.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
You're very welcome.
This is our main discussion thread for off-topic things.
We do have a threads for art, replays, etc. though.

Noted, im most likely going to post here the reason i say that is im really bad at art,im not to much of a free play person (but i try) so i dont make many good flashy replays
Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
Noted, im most likely going to post here the reason i say that is im really bad at art,im not to much of a free play person (but i try) so i dont make many good flashy replays

Sounds good. ^^
I'm pretty much the same way.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Public schools drive me crazy.
I find it impossible to learn through them.

What subjects do you like most?

Art. I want to be an Enviroment Artist for games and I want to be able to shade better and think about shadows, blending etc...and use them more effectively.

I am not as good in Maths but I want to be so I am trying to revise some more.
I am pretty good in English and using the P.E.E. System.
I also like music but only when we are on the iPads because there is more sounds to make but Keyboards are pretty fun too

Overall I would have to say Art/Maths are my top 2 because I need them to get into game designing, I am sure there are other qualifications too but I am focusing on these for now. :3
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Art. I want to be an Enviroment Artist for games and I want to be able to shade better and think about shadows, blending etc...and use them more effectively.

I am not as good in Maths but I want to be so I am trying to revise some more.
I am pretty good in English and using the P.E.E. System.
I also like music but only when we are on the iPads because there is more sounds to make but Keyboards are pretty fun too

Overall I would have to say Art/Maths are my top 2 because I need them to get into game designing, I am sure there are other qualifications too but I am focusing on these for now. :3

Interesting. What got you interested in doing that for a career, and what's the "P.E.E. System" anyhow?
I've not heard of it.

On the other hand, I tend to do rather well in whatever subjects I take on. Most of my grades tend to be above 90%, but my math is really poor currently. I missed a lot of learning due to a poor education I received where I grew up, and so flunked when I moved and took it at a school who taught it properly. That being said, Psychology is my best course overall. It's the one that holds the most interest for me. Contrary to what most people would think, aside from Math, English is one of the subjects I dislike most.


By the way, I'd just like to let everyone here know that I will be somewhat inactive over the next little while. I have a lot of schoolwork and whatnot to cram, so toribash will be put on hold for a bit. I'll still post somewhat regularly, but beyond that, I won't have time for re-writing material and putting new things in action until after I've cleared a lot of these responsibilities off the table.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
P.E.E. System is a technique to help you get higher marks in english exams.


It is something like that. It just helps you lay out your work better. You can also add structure, language and your opinion in there too. It just helps you get more marks when focusing on a certain part of text. If I was focusing on your post where you said "English is one of the subjects I disliked the most" I would say this:

Rappunk doesn't like English very much. This is shown by this quote. "English is one of the subjects I dislike the most." This quote implies that Rap doesn't like English.

That right there is a very low level P.E.E. A proper P.E.E. should use up at least the full page of an A4 paper.

The reason I got into the Environment Artist was because I have always loved the style of some games and textures and in my head I have many ideas for texturing and style. I love the Halo 4 style a lot. If I was ever to become an Environment Artist I would love to do futuristic level designing. I also love gaming and I love art Two things in 1 = Environment Artist.
I've been streaming a lot with my best tb friend Diablo, and sometimes we include a few others that we play with regularly.

We're trying make this streaming thing work so if you ever see a stream hosted by Diablo (ChimerClanTV, we use it for bf4 as well) could you watch and give input on to how we could further improve the stream?
I'm toxic go away.