OH MY GOD! We're finally official!!! Thanks! You don't know how happy I am right now We finally reached one of our goals!!!

Yay! Our clan tag is now [Monk]!
Heart of Gold
You get your own forum to post almost anything you like, people tend to apply for official clans over unofficial clans, in four months you can get a private board that no one can see unless they have the password, and other stuff like that.
Yeah well, about that. Right now, BBKing is inactive at the moment, when he gets back on, maybe that's when those things will get sorted out. Anyway, I'll get some things sorted out on the clan board tomorrow because I'm still kinda disoriented about new years and stuff. BUT, I am ingame right now, because apparently I can still click on the joints xD
Heart of Gold
Wow this are great news! I will be able to do some stuff tonight.

Whatever.. Thx to all Monks for the great work.
Now we have a new year and new aims.. and a great Motivation!
Omg you guys are official, ermahgud. <insert congrats post aka spem>
Dengue is a wizard.
[Nitro] | (KnC) | [Monk] | Gamer's Inc. | ViperTech and Cheshyre fanboy
This is just epic. I never thought I'd be in an official clan, but look where we are now. Congratulations to [Monk] :3
Whoever said Green was not that great of a colour?
Congratz on getting official guys. As far as I know you (2 members lol) you totally deserved it.

You can now also stop aiming for good conversations and start useless spamming, cause that's what it's all about after all.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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