Originally Posted by smaux57 View Post
:O i dont undersant nothin' of that link azy!!!
If anyone have a nexus 4 download cyanogenmod 13.0
Android 6.0 :o i want but stil in beta

Only Indonesian will understand ;)

Just search some infos about blackberry venice
Sorry for the inactivity guys. Was studying :P
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Yep I've

@Move atleast let us know that you're inactive, post in the inactivity thread
It was a one day inactivity. I don't think it needed to be announced :P
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Lol what is "ubuntu"
Today will go to a party i will back like in 4 or more hours that explain my lol inactiveness?