Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post ITS JERRY

We never told this to anyone, but our dear leader has a chronic mental disorder that result in posting weird gifs. We did all we could to save him, even the money Flames made using his Youtube channel didn't help. I even had to see a professional baker in France, he told me his secret formula for the ultimate baguette but never told me how to cure Mike.

It is time now. I bet all of you (probably not) know that in France we're voting to elect our new butcher president. We, WAPOW, shall do the same.
I vote Dart for new leader 2017. All hail mein Bortsch !
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
It's true. I have mad cow disease cowasaki
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by Pyro View Post
MOORRRREEEE QUESTIONS! have fun! 1. Ever sonsidernmaking a new warring team? Like the event team but instead of events do wars instead? 2. If needed will you be buying tc to fund the clan? 3. When are you doing a inactives sweep? 4. Can you give me a list of events that the event team will host? 5. Does bet servers count as an event? 6. Do we have flat prints of clan textures? 7. If yes, can have have a copy of al of them? 8. Do you have any idea how long it's going to take to think of these questions lol. This is gonna be long 9. Will I be getting answers to all questions I ask? 10. This is for mikes. When will you be on? 11. Ever thought of re-organizing the clan ranks and stuff? 12. What is more imprtant right now? Wapow or WET? 13. How much clan funds would you be comfortable with? 14. Could you give an example of a good wapow app? 15. Could you give an example of what a good WET app would be? 16. Give a good example of what a good WET recruiter app would be? 17. Give an example of what a good wapow recruiter app would be? 18. Give an example of what a good wapow coleader app would be? 19. Give a good example of what a good council app would be? 20. Give an example of what a good war lord app would be? 21. Did you say yes for question 9? If yes, all I want to say is CONGRATULATIONS YOU PLAYED YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!

My god. I was hoping some one like Hecate would answer this but. It's at least on topic. Good job pyro lmao

1. Yes we have tried like 5 times. No one is active enough or good enough atm.
2. If we must and we don't gain donations from the community we will do that for as long as we can. If donations still don't come in we know people obviously don't really care about it. But I want to prove that theory wrong lol.
3. Actually we have been discussing that over a week ago. Just a lot of people gave us warnings before they left. It's just that they all haven't been back
4. Replay, art, blind man brawls, clan tournaments, regular tournaments, I have many ideas. And many more to look through to get more ideas. It is pretty hard to come up with new events in a game that's been goin 12 years. Let's just try to work outside the box, just not to far outside the box.
5. It will be counted as events yes
6.idk I'll send you the ones we have
7. Yes.
8. Lmao. Also yes. I've done the same sort of questions when I started here.
Shows good character and initiative in my opinion.
9. Probably not. Unless some one....I'm looking at you Hecate!!!!
10. Every day in discord at least. You all know that.
11. Did, done like 3 times. People aren't loyal sometimes when there only so many that fit certain ranks. But of course in future we will be working to keep loyal peeps in this clan
12. Wapow is #1 concern always. We just have opened wet. When more people are involved I'll have more time for wapow. I've asked hannw and a few others to try to keep things up while me and Hecate get wet going.
13. I'd be comfortable at 1m right now. As we will be trying to make big things from this. Our slow down is definitely Tc amount
14. Yes. Hellos my name is swepples. Tbh go look through recruitment thread. There's about 2 times I wrote huge things on how to apply properly. Right after some one posted "hi can I join" twat.
15. No as I never applied to wet. We made it : ) but not like any free form clan app.
16. Provide lots of proof of shit. Don't want an inactive in our staff. Which is happening but a wet sweep will happen eventually. It will be called a MOP UP.
17. Bleed for bieber
18. Punch your self in eye while quickly shouting WAPOW. Post video. That's how all wapow members through its history has gotten council this way. There's specific wapow Channel for eye punching videos.
19. That way ^ council doesn't have to be wearing a dress atleast, co leaders do. Thank god I've never been a co.
20. Too many now lol.
This next ones will be another time
Originally Posted by 264axel View Post
Is there a reward for 500 post? é-é

Last edited by Mikes; Apr 23, 2017 at 08:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Clan thread activity has gone down man. Need to bring it back up..
~ Leader of WAPOW ~
~ 7 Year TC Dealer ~
~ Discord: didi8 ~
Gonna have to get on top of some people soon
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White