Originally Posted by SruX View Post
Hi My name is SruX or Kurt Irl. i live in New York i am 15 an 8th Dan black belt and very spunky i like my oat meal lumpy(That didn't rhyme you FGT). I love music of all sorts, you name a genres Just not Metal. My favorite bands/ singers would have to be Panic at the Disco, Billy Joel, Elton John, paramor, fall out boy, green day, the beetles(Overrated but i still like there music) I play piano Drums And pokemon. i can juggle and i love to bake(Not cook... cooking is to manly). i want to join Inquisition because i know noel, zwouter, Chab, static, donkey and Budsi. also i love that Inquisition is making a comeback and i wanna help. I am very active both in-game and on the forum. here are some pictures of me shirtless

Shirt is commin' off

feel free to do what ever you want with those. In-game my favorite mods are Greykido, Mushu/wushu, ABD and judo frac. i also love to make replays witch are down bellow. During my time playing toribash i have been rather success full in making my own organization i was one perma banned but it was an honest mistake so i got it lowered to 2 weeks short version is i dueled a guy full 512 textures lost forgot to put his name in when i sent items then opened a thread selling all my stuff i called the thread "Quiting TB sa;e Everything must Go" and that made me look guilty AF so i got the perma ban hammer

~ thank you for reading SruX

You misspelled "Paramore" and "The Beatles." It's a no.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
i was in the 5000 tc tourney wile making the app gimmi a break also those artist were more like my listen to on pandora than favorites
Well, you've been denied for other reasons too. Namely, troublemaking.
Last edited by Ele; Jul 4, 2015 at 01:28 AM.
Originally Posted by Matharu
Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post
You misspelled "Paramore" and "The Beatles." It's a no.

I was drinking and I laughed so hard when I saw this that I just spit the water on my laptop. Thanks.

You got me to make someone spit water on their laptop. And you called the Beatles overrated. That's like, an auto no.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
So you said you like all genres... so youre into gospel, christian rock, flutes/wind instruments and of course, the recorder... my personal favorite. I achieved the gold star in 4th grade music class.
Originally Posted by Ocean View Post
So you said you like all genres... so youre into gospel, christian rock, flutes/wind instruments and of course, the recorder... my personal favorite. I achieved the gold star in 4th grade music class.

can vouch for this
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Nnnghghngh. This is an application thread. This isn't an invade-friendly chat thread. We have our invade-friendly chat thread for that.
Application for Inquisition
Hello you Inquisition-ish people, I am the guy that Spit water on his laptop because of Lightningkid!
Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post
You got me to make someone spit water on their laptop.

And today I'm here because I want to Apply for Inq.
Here is my Application:

Hi and hi, I am Matharu, I am 15 years old and I live in Germany. I am applying for Inquisition because I would love be in a serious, good organized Clan. The Mods I am good in are Abd boxshu and all that Spar & parkour stuff. I currently have 1791 played hours in Toribash (as Steam says) that means I am pretty active ingame. My forum activity is also really good as I think, I am actually always on the Forums.

A few Private things about me: I got a Cat named Charly. I'm currently trying to become a good CS:GO player, yesterday I've finished my first 10 Ranked matches and got Silver Elite Master ( I dont even know how good/bad that is ). I have Summer Break right now that means I got alot of Free time, If I'm not swimming or somewhere else with Friends, I'm sittin here and watch YouTube on my TV or I play CS:GO/Toribash on my Laptop.

Why Inquisition?:
As I already said, I finally want to be in a serious good organized Clan with some Friendly, not-biting Clan mates. I've checked the Forums and Inquisition got me excited, after that I had a lil talk with noel and now I'm sitting here and writing my Application. I'm sorry if my Grammar isn't that good but I hope its understandable.

That was all I wanted to have in my Application (I read this app circa 18 times lol). Hope you enjoyed reading my Application.

Last edited by Matharu; Jul 16, 2015 at 12:26 AM.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again