Evaluation Type: USD
Name: Dirtnapp
TC total: 122,407
Qi: 4518
Inventory link: I dunno my user id Can some1 post this for me.
Ban/infraction history: 5 intractions, total of 14 points all for silly things like bumping.
Booster/Toribash prime information: Toriprime valid untill. 10-23-2010
Anything else you wish to add: I have full textures, lots of signature/avy combinations available for free when purchased, i have 1 full texture set(the images) all my head textures, selling for 20k a piece with the account, and a good reputation amongst the community.
The Set.
Also if you could could u post auction settings that would be good fro selling this account like minmum bid, min raise, auto buy ect. Cheers ;x
Last edited by Dirtnapp; Jan 17, 2010 at 12:40 AM.
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
@carloz01: in tc, I think around 500-600k (basically full body texts 160k, heads 70k (full price coz no one sells em on market), plat force/lax 80k, QS/vulcan 60k, is around 380k, the others have almost no worth - 70k max for all else, and QI is around 30-40k (maybe more these days coz Qi transfer is open, if this is not disinformation as I never tried it)

Whereabouts would I get this done?
Originally Posted by carloz01 View Post
hmm thanks missuse

about $$$.. 100k=20USD?





that's nice.
Best signature ever.
Maybe 2-3k.
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Originally Posted by FreXtremeBot View Post
Whereabouts would I get this done?

apparently I was mistaken,
all the things I observed indicated to me that Qi transfer could be done
but after asking a few of more knowledgeable members I know now that it is not possible.

sry for misinformation

EDIT: Dirtnapp inventory

here u go m8
Last edited by missuse; Jan 17, 2010 at 04:59 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
Maybe 2-3k.

dude, if 1kQI=6k tc, then a brown belt would already be 3k. and with 1300 posts, it has to be moar...
Banksta (Reekondub) [Piratez]