Originally Posted by SkyWhale View Post
Very good, but I agree, the nodding thing looked a little twitchey.

Just so you know, I was sent replays about 3 weeks ago from a member of [e] (electric?) named Zhuyian. This was on the Paradox clan's forum I believe. Now, I cannot provide the link that has the replays, because I have confronted him, and he has had it taken down. I did however, take screenshots of the comment when the comment was up, and shortly after the replays were taken down. Both will be provided. Also, I have the replays that I downloaded from him, which I will upload as well so you can see that he did in fact copy it.

"My awesome replays btw"-Zhuyian

In this screen shot you can see his original post on January the third, of 2014. He say's

"I know I shouldn't be doing this [in reference to that this is an application thread] just take a look. My awesome replays btw"

Here you can see that he takes credit for the replays. I'd like to stress that this is an application thread, and that is what he means by "I know I shouldn't be doing this".

Here is the after result. I'm not sure if he has completely deleted the post by the time I upload this, but whatever...

Tries to cover it up

This picture was taken about 8 minutes after I confronted him in game, the first time I saw him after I had realized the replays were not really his. I would like to point out that the time of editing is "5 minutes ago"... but who would edit something from so long ago if there was nothing wrong?

Now that you have seen the pictures, I'll also upload the replays. I know you did not get them from Zhuyian himself, but I still have them, and I'd like this injustice to be recognized.

Those are the only replays that I have, however I had downloaded a replay of the great escape, that he claims to be his as well. I believe they are on my other computer. If not, I have already deleted them. View the pictures, and see that they are there, and then they are not.

Anyway, that's all I have. I was impressed by Zhuyians amazing skill, but now I am just disgusted. I will send this to a GM and I hope justice will be served swiftly. Sorry for the bad news though. It's a shame that people like this exist in the community. I wish you could watermark replays like you can watermark art.

Original Post (may have been deleted by now)

The great escape replay (it was this one, sorry I don't have it)

Zhuyian uploaded these two replays (SparringMyEvilTwin, and Ruthless) which were originally posted by Swexx (Swex- Savage, and Swex- Carnivore).

The other replays I'm not sure if they were by Swex. I imagine that they are, seeing as how most were, but I cannot spend hours searching every replay on this page for the specific ones. If Swex or somebody else recognizes them, they will be able to provide answers.

I am sorry for the news, but I thought you should know. Thanks.

And also his real spars sucks in my opinion.
thats proof:
Last edited by Alastor; Feb 17, 2014 at 05:56 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Why I stoped it was a long time ago forget about it I regret it I didn't steal those replays I posted on my application Omega was there with me
It was so long ago I just wanted fame now I know its just a simple game I play just for fun now just forget about it please I don't want this following me every time I try to join a clan I know I was foolish like I said I regret it I just wanna be apart of a community
and just spar and have fun
Last edited by tentacion; Feb 17, 2014 at 06:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I will have to say no for now. Not because you stole replays or whatever it was. But I want you to gain a little more skill and then come back later.
I say no.
"*bursts into tears* I can't talk about it! It's so horrible! They were-- they were-- the milk! Oh God, the milk!."