Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Has anyone ever "won" a ban appeal?

Yup... Well "win" is a pretty crap way of wording it, but it happens. Depends on the circumstances of the ban, if the person is capable of not being a dick-tip about it etc etc. They usually result in a reduction of length rather than a straight unban (guilt is guilt after all)

Obviously there are also bans that wont be lifted/reduced.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Well now that 4.0 is out and everything, what are people complaining about you guys to release "NOW"?
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Why? Do you guys suddenly support problems where someone lets a another person log in to their account? There is 0 risk if you have half a brain (IE setting your email, not leaving random items in your account that could be stolen).

So suddenly the community has "half a brain" you know fine the shit work staff would have to do if they allowed the community to share accounts for any reason.

If you don't, you're either seriously naive, stupid or picking arguments where they don't exist.
Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
Well now that 4.0 is out and everything, what are people complaining about you guys to release "NOW"?


(that isn't a joke)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Seems kinda dark :o
Well it's internet after all
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
If I may share some observations with ImmortalCow about TB forum and how staff 'abuses everything', it will be a bit longer post, but don't worry oh, most magniificent staff personel, there will be question at the end. ;}

I think TB forum is most liberal forum of all other forums I was a part, and believe me, I was on many. TB is a 'home' I always like to return to. On other forums staff is either composed of robotic people without any imagination that is so above their users that you think you are speaking with yourself with every post, or totally nazi-oriented place where you get slapped every time you accidentally fart.

Imagine a place where when you do some stuff that isn't correct by the forum rules your post gets moderated like this:

[This post was moderated by [insert name of the mod/admin here] at [insert time]]

And, that's it. No one knows why u were infracted/banned. You get a PM with explanation where you need to confirm that you accept the punishment so you will be able to post again when it expires!!!
If you try to discuss about moderating measures you get instantly banned since it is forbidden by the rules, so u get another:

[This post was moderated by [insert name of the mod/admin here] at [insert time]]

And only u again know that you have been banned because u try to discuss validity of punishment. You have an option to send email to support and talk with them about it, but then you get automatically generated response: We are sorry bla, bla, bla, but we can't do nothing about it etc.

Now, imagine a forum where almost every EU nation has their own sub-forum managed by 2 admins that are from that country, speaking that language, and got jobs almost without any cross-check from company that employed them.

It's a fucking spawn pit for mini-Hitlers! XD

Btw, if I would have said 'fucking' there this whole post would probably look like this:

[This post was moderated by [insert name of the mod/admin here] at [insert time]]

I got 7 day ban for saying 'clusterfuck' when I tried to explain what is happening on their game servers in the peak of holidays, when there is 200 K users online. Heh...

Now, lets look at TB forum.

It's manged by people from the community that are so many years with us we are almost a family, they do it for FREE (let me say it again FOR FREE!) and they are not robots, but actual human beings and mostly fun, devs are basically always with us, you can ask Hampa on IRC whatever you like (and if he has time, and question isn't stupid, in 7 of 10 cases he will probably respond), we have ban appeal thread, and if you get there there is 99% chance that you are there for very good reason. You can speak freely about anything here, you can critique admins and mods, and game itself, and you won't 'disappear in the night' without any explanation, at least I never saw something like that...

And one thing: as long we have people like SkulFuk and hanz0 behind the TB forum rudder we not gonna sail into cliffs of Nazism like I saw on other places.

So, if you really want to fight true revolutionary fight of the free people, join me on the World of Tanks forum! XD We need Martyrs like you there to lead us to the final victory against forces of true evil! XD

Anyway, the question for staff.. Which I now forgot... What the hell was it, it was really important...hm...

Ah, yes, did you check with guys behind GOG.com to put Toribash as free game download there? They seam very 'indie friendly', and it can't hurt.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 29, 2013 at 04:14 PM.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Imagine a place where when you do some stuff that isn't correct by the forum rules your post gets moderated like this:

[This post was moderated by [insert name of the mod/admin here] at [insert time]]

And, that's it. No one knows why u were infracted/banned.

Staff here delete posts if you say something they don't like. So we don't see those moderator messages.

I usually have a few of my posts deleted every week for saying something that staff don't like. I used to get almost all my posts deleted - because staff just don't like me!

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
You get a PM with explanation where you need to confirm that you accept the punishment so you will be able to post again when it expires!!!

More often than not, my posts are edited or deleted without explanation, often I am infracted with nonsense reasons. If I try and talk to staff I am ignored or infracted or banned or have privileges removed.
Receiving a PM with an explanation is a luxury.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
If you try to discuss about moderating measures you get instantly banned since it is forbidden by the rules, so u get another:

[This post was moderated by [insert name of the mod/admin here] at [insert time]]

Which is the same as here. I don't know about everyone else, but probably at least half my bans were from discussing why I was banned.

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
And only u again know that you have been banned because u try to discuss validity of punishment. You have an option to send email to support and talk with them about it, but then you get automatically generated response: We are sorry bla, bla, bla, but we can't do nothing about it etc.

I have recieved 1 reply ever when PMing a staff member to discuss a ban, but often they respond to infractions - but have only reversed 2 despite almost all of them being ridiculous - and almost all not being listed on the rules.
My last three infractions were:
- Reporting a staff member who was breaking rules
- Disagreeing with Juntalis and responding to his joke about discussion forum being a battle
- Disagreeing with Dr_Strangelove when he posted in a thread with absolutely 0 knowledge of the topic (which IS against the rules)
Note: None of the things I was infracted for were on the rules, and all of them were a staff member who has repeatedly veto'd my unbanning without giving a reason, and has banned me many times for personal reasons. Additionally Juntalis and Strangelove are friends of this person... No reply was given when I protested these infractions.

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Now, imagine a forum where almost every EU nation has their own sub-forum managed by 2 admins that are from that country, speaking that language, and got jobs almost without any cross-check from company that employed them.

It's a fucking spawn pit for mini-Hitlers! XD

> becuase local mods get cross checks

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
I got 7 day ban for saying 'clusterfuck' when I tried to explain what is happening on their game servers in the peak of holidays, when there is 200 K users online. Heh...

I recieved a permanent ban for explaining that we currently have no proof of extraterrestrial life.

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
we have ban appeal thread

Which I cannot access because it seems to be 'policy' to always remove my permissions to appeal.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
and if you get there there is 99% chance that you are there for very good reason.

I don't think disagreeing with vox is a good reason to be permabanned. And I don't think fish has ANY reason to keep me banned, let alone a GOOD reason.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
You can speak freely about anything here, you can critique admins and mods, and game itself, and you won't 'disappear in the night' without any explanation, at least I never saw something like that...

Ask an admin to tell you about any deleted posts in this thread.
I had to repost my previous post because it was deleted FOR CRITISISNG ADMINS. I wouldn't be surprised if THIS POST and that post and your post all disappear overnight.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
And one thing: as long we have people like SkulFuk and hanz0 behind the TB forum rudder we not gonna sail into cliffs of Nazism like I saw on other places.


These people?

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
So, if you really want to fight true revolutionary fight of the free people, join me on the World of Tanks forum! XD We need Martyrs like you there to lead us to the final victory against forces of true evil! XD

If you really think toribash forum is great and moderated by great people, you know nothing.
You are really fucking lucky if the toribash staff don't treat you like shit.

My posts are constantly deleted, edited, my accounts are banned without reason, my permissions removed, banned from IRC, TP/VIP were deleted, flamed by staff constantly, infracted for disagreeing with staff. Seriously 8OJ4N you are a really lucky person, as soon as you came here you made friends with admins and have never had to deal with them from the other side.

I really hope you read this post before it is deleted.
Actually, I had my clash with admins immediately when I found out about forums. If I remember correctly may 10th or so post I was already KiTFox target XD, then my first ban was because I've invaded clan Fish with my Rift banner :] which after simple explanation was reduced...

Thing is, I didn't took that personal or something like that, because:

1) they were mostly right
2) I still think that getting forum-slapped hurt less then actual rl slap :> so I don't tend to make a crusade out of it

We are strange creatures, when we are on internet we think that we can do anything without any consequence, so when we hit the wall, we are more prone to react like douchebag than like we would react in real life. Touching the wall and going around it, not head on through it.

Will your post be deleted? Probably. It is against regulations since this thread was intended just for posting questions to staff about the game, forums, community etc, and if you see first post it is written: no reports and other nonsense, which is now done.
Its like you just waited for someone (in this case me) to say something nice about the staff to turn this thread into crusade. While you could send me PM and still accomplish the same thing.

Just by involving me into this discussion here we are both now braking a rule. So, I guess it will be deleted, but... It wasn't deleted immediately, and not because persons from staff didn't saw it, but, I think, to prove something to you and me...

Now, I suggest we continue this on PMs, although I must say that my views and yours are totally different about foruming.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 29, 2013 at 09:53 PM.