@biggems: hell no it doesnt! Team 3 is more awesome because I said so.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
now im in all three so nows you can suck it cus i make all three teams cooler
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
@biggems: xd! Im going to hurt you micheal. Dont make me get big bro on you. he'll kick you in the balls he just said.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
lol who lyonix ha i can beat him up all day
updates were made
Last edited by biggems; Sep 7, 2012 at 08:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
hey caution members how are u all and i am in game with the 1 and only biggems :P this is to all caution members post if your gmt today !
Last edited by Overclockers; Sep 7, 2012 at 01:29 PM.
biggems i think we should kick/warn the inactive members and try to get active members, it seems neccessary.
Wombo Combooooooo
iyea we should but for some reason it wont let me move kick add are anything like that
hellz yea good job dave
Last edited by biggems; Sep 7, 2012 at 01:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
@biggems: im going to tell him that lol! Lyonix said, he will beat you till you get right an learn some respect.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
lol respec nice big word for him lol but hey tell hikm a said hey big bro anyway and we should find out everyones gmt and swift idk about sushi she still on vaca
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
@yeah it is lol! Also, with all your inactive members, just found out why they are inactive. If its not a good reason kick them.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!