Originally Posted by ecko222 View Post
this is my replay

There is no replay.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫

I don't know what that was, but if that was an app DENIED!
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I can offer support in all clan wars or any other activity [WAPOW] does as long as im online.

I dont really have a "favorite mod" but i will say i like any type of parkour mod.

I would say i play often more or less.

Yes, I post replays and important messages that i will go on trips, also i wanna note that i am married and i have a child. RcRichman knows this

Yes i always do.

I really dont know what you mean by this but i have experienced alot of famous fights ;p

Oh wait do i need a replay?
Last edited by butler1010; Aug 11, 2015 at 08:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Butler Kills All In His Way
Blood Oath Organization
Hello WAPOW!
My Name Is Moataz . I'm 13 years old boy from Egypt and i came here to apply for WAPOW! Anyways , in that Paragraph i'm gonna talk about my life with toribash and other stuff . I was playing toribash for About One Year (1st year from 11june2015) i was little Noob at first , Now I became More Noob than before and yea . My favorite Mods are Greykido , abd , Aikido , tk(A little) , Boxshu ( A little) , parkour ( once per 1 year xd) and yea that's my fav mods . now lets go to the second Paragraph shall we?

How do i often play Inside Toribash and Do i Post Regularly inside the forums? well i do both (idk) but i post inside the secret Toriprime forum(lulz)and i post inside clan Thread a lot of course so yea . and i Play in-game Like 8/10 with friends because i become too bored by myself . Do i Check my Pm's and respond to them? OF COURSE!( Sorry for caps didn't mean to ) well yea i respond to pm's but silly pm's are no no bud ( yea) . now lets go to the third Paragraph shall we? :3


What am i gonna offer to wapow? well , I'am Gonna Offer Activity , Event making and warring (if you want me to war) and maybe Avy Making because i got that skill (lulz) . Do i Have Good Skills and character ? well i have Good Character but good skills (Rest in Pepperonies me) i have it a little bit but not too much skills but i have avy making skills which give me some profit and if you want proof tell me .
Do i have anything in Reallife? (Skills , Hobbies , etc) well , no i just stay with my laptop all day everyday trust me i'am gonna become a fried chicken . Well i said my Experience above at the 1st paragraph so i think now i need to say my clan experience at the 4th paragraph . lets GO!

My Old clans that i was inside them was ( and the reason that why i left it too) , ElectriC : i made that clan when i was like black belt but its pretty much dead . Bomb : got invited in it and got kicked after 3 weeks for fighting someone else for op ( that was from march 2015 it was too far away trust me iam not a pepe ripper ;) ) then i joined Vibe but got kicked because the clan got denied from official for post quality and got kicked because it was my fault ( that was the time where i got grammar errors and bad punctuation) then i went to tau : stayed for couple of weeks then left because its dead and they were you know already . after that i went to Crooks and became leader of it (WAW! . Nah its not cool) and left the clan because they were telling me that i was Leadershipping bad ( and look at the clan now , it became like a bdsm girl trust me ) and i came back to bomb again : stayed for long time and left because i lost hope today ( and it was dying already since the leader quits the clan and everybody Quits after him so i just lost hope *LOGIC SOUND*)
That's pretty much it about my Experience with Clans ( Reminder , i said my Experience inside toribash in the 1st paragraph so don't tell me i have forgot it ;) ) that's pretty much it for now lets get to the final paragraph!

And Now . The final Amazing bad punctuation paragraph is here ( yay that boring wall o text was boring now lets see his last paragraph) i hope you guys accept me because i am not applying for fun i really want to join Wapow because not for #1 thingy no . because you are cool guys and awesome ( and funny <3) so yea i hope you accept me and thanks for reading (Finally he made his application it was so boring to me mate . Pls deny him , deny him!)
oh i have forgot to give you the replays lol .
and btw .

thanks for reading!
BTW.I cant say my skype since its a facebook account so yea
lulz i will take your skypes by pms of course!
Attached Files
get capped bruh.rpl (43.6 KB, 4 views)
so luckyyyyyyyyyyy111111.rpl (68.5 KB, 4 views)
that saveeeeeeee.rpl (54.6 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Moataz; Aug 11, 2015 at 08:02 PM.
Hello Wapow !
First of all I am can call meh corn flakes too ;). My real name is Mohammad. I have been playing toribash for 3 Years. I am sorry to say I took a break of 1 year. Anyways I live in UAE and in real life I actually play BasketBall and do Parkour. I am active on forums 24 hours literally (not while sleeping).I am oftenly active ingame too. I can contribute to WAPOW with all my skills efforts and devotion. I wont give you any chance to complaint. I was former leader of the clans (7th),(Fallen),(Bomb). I am good in the akido and wushu mods. I always reply to the PMs and I post like all day on the clan threads. Here is my Gamer Card just in case...

I forgot to tell you that I am 3rd dan black belt.
I have always loved to join WAPOW and I hope you are satisfied by my application. Thank you so much for your time.

Your's Sincerely,
My skype is astalenleo...

Here are my replays...
Note that it is made by my alt.
Attached Files
Astalen-fly shock v2-1.rpl (113.1 KB, 4 views)
Astalen-fly shock v2.rpl (113.1 KB, 4 views)
Astalen-fly shock.rpl (77.2 KB, 3 views)
Astalen-High in the sky.rpl (52.3 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Flakes; Aug 11, 2015 at 08:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What are you lookin at ?

Thank you FleshMon...
I am former leader of bomb
Left it because it was dead
Also my first name was Prince1234
Name changed it to Flakes.
Btw here is my tori ingame...


Last edited by Flakes; Aug 11, 2015 at 09:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What are you lookin at ?