I know some of you might not be psychologically ready to witness this kind of imagery, but, the time would come anyway. I show you, my dog, Roth:

god the horror

Last edited by Sidvicious; Dec 9, 2013 at 11:25 PM.
I use IceChat, it saves EVERY log. evar.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Hey guys, that's me, Kratos. I'm now a ally, so i just wanted you guys to know, everyone is welcome to post Metal's board and they'll probally post here too. So yea, too lazy to talk about me, why don't you just play God of war...?
Eeeeeeew playstation
Inb4 flame war heuhueheiejueherhee

Also, mirc has a logs function, too
And also I really like your new pants, Pv2
Like, a LOT
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Hey guys, that's me, Kratos. I'm now a ally, so i just wanted you guys to know, everyone is welcome to post Metal's board and they'll probally post here too. So yea, too lazy to talk about me, why don't you just play God of war...?

The lack of a context that would lead you to such conclusions is something we should question, guy.
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Hey guys, that's me, Kratos. I'm now a ally, so i just wanted you guys to know, everyone is welcome to post Metal's board and they'll probally post here too. So yea, too lazy to talk about me, why don't you just play God of war...?

I think I speak for everyone when I simply say: