Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post
Isn't that like a double negative?
Also , nijia you suck at grammaring.

It was some on purpose. I am too lazy to care, lol

Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
How are your holidays going girls?

What holidays?
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Guys , i guess it's that time .
I just don't have the feeling i once got from being an ethr member ,imo this clan isn't doing too well , our activity is kinda below par , and usually i'm always the only one ingame . I know ya'll got lives , like so do i , but i guess i just have abit more free time . So let me get right to the point , I'm leaving because i don't feel that connected to ethereal anymore , don't get me wrong , i've come to find alot of friends in you fags , but what i need is a more active clan .
So this is it, goodbye guys , i'll still post here though.
Gonna miss ya'll and i'll cherish all the fun times we had .
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Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post
Guys , i guess it's that time .
I just don't have the feeling i once got from being an ethr member ,imo this clan isn't doing too well , our activity is kinda below par , and usually i'm always the only one ingame . I know ya'll got lives , like so do i , but i guess i just have abit more free time . So let me get right to the point , I'm leaving because i don't feel that connected to ethereal anymore , don't get me wrong , i've come to find alot of friends in you fags , but what i need is a more active clan .
So this is it, goodbye guys , i'll still post here though.
Gonna miss ya'll and i'll cherish all the fun times we had .

Eh, if you actually think that we're inactive right now, well... Yeah bye.
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post
Guys , i guess it's that time .
I just don't have the feeling i once got from being an ethr member ,imo this clan isn't doing too well , our activity is kinda below par , and usually i'm always the only one ingame . I know ya'll got lives , like so do i , but i guess i just have abit more free time . So let me get right to the point , I'm leaving because i don't feel that connected to ethereal anymore , don't get me wrong , i've come to find alot of friends in you fags , but what i need is a more active clan .
So this is it, goodbye guys , i'll still post here though.
Gonna miss ya'll and i'll cherish all the fun times we had .

You'll be back....again.

I wouldn't say most active. That'd probably go to Jeffry, Jclark or nijia.
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Apr 26, 2013 at 05:11 AM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by OFingerzO
but as everyone knows ethr is on it's final legs and isn't thriving too well. Ave quit TB apparently and inf is here and there. I'm usually the most active member as of recent.

How cute. It's funny how we're dying yet we're more active than 1/2 of the official clans out there.
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Originally Posted by Jeffry36 View Post
How cute. It's funny how we're dying yet we're more active than 1/2 of the official clans out there.

How dare you use common sense on the internet!
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
You'll be back....again.

I wouldn't say most active. That'd probably go to Jeffry, Jclark or nijia.

Actually , i'm always on , it's just that no one usually posts so i usually lurk around ethr threads or post on other clan threads, so i don't know where you got this deluded idea that i wasn't one of the most active guys in here.

Originally Posted by Jeffry36 View Post
How cute. It's funny how we're dying yet we're more active than 1/2 of the official clans out there.

no need to shit talk behind my's entirely my choice what i do with my tb life and i didn't feel connected to ethr anymore , also , you keep mentioning official clans , this has nothing to do with official clans.
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