View Poll Results: is streak 35 Good
5 Votes / 45.45%
6 Votes / 54.55%
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Just shows us all how influential we all are. I mean, hot damn! FULL RECOVERY FULL RECOVERY!

RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?

Couple of rules for you.

First of all, just because a part's expensive doesn't mean you should ignore it, mainly because odds are said part or a similar one is discounted, and is in fact relatively low priced than it would be normally!

Secondly, a Crappy CPU=a crappy computer, no graphics card can fix that shit. Of course, you don't need something insanely fast like 4.0 ghz *the processing speed, they've got a list at tigerdirect*

Thirdly, shitty motherboard=shitty computer. You've got a drugged up mother pushing the children like slaves with hammers instead of drills when they're trying to hit a nail in, and you got a shitty computer.

Fourthly, Graphics cards are important, but for those, it's not that hard, just set your sight on a generation *probably should get a nvidia... while ati is pretty good and pretty cheap, i gotta say.... not quite my cup of compatibility with certain games*

Fifthly, RESEARCH YOUR MOTHER***** MOTHERBOARD. If you don't know wtf it comes with, don't F**** BUY IT!!! Google anything you don't know, and google for motherboards if you really have no clue what to get.

Sixthly, set a goddamn budget, BUT PLAN TO GO OVER IT. There's litterally no point in spending 350$ for a moderate comp that's gonna be outdated by 30 f****** years in 5 years right?

Oh... bit of advice...

*Make a list of parts you'll need
*Don't bother with cables, what you buy will come with what you need
*With computer cases, get one that comes with a powersupply, 300v is pretty much all you need, you really don't need those really retarded 800v's hmmk?
*Get Dual Channel Ram, it is so much fucking better than regular ram, and it's relatively cheap, they almost always have a deal at tiger direct for one brand or another

If I've got more advice, I'll give it... also, if you ever feel stuck, just like... pm me or something... instant messenger or what not.

I've built a computer before, so it's no fucking deal this time....

OH! One moreeeee thing

Invest in spacers... SOOOOO USEFUL, and probably a computer utility kit, you'll find at times that your screwdriver just won't cut it. Most modern cases are built to house many types of motherboards, THEREFORE they aren't quite.... user friendly... and you may find that getting the motherboards back ports lined up with the cases back ports to be problematic.
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?
who needs to stab people in the back? we can just slap their pecs off... FROM BEHIND! WHILE RELAXING!! OH SNAP!

let's see mister "my arms aren't big and muscular yet I can easily overpower anyone" do that!
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?
This shall not be forgotten! What date should it be done on, everybody is favoring the weekend, and I think we have kind of settled of ninjutsu as a mod. Should it be knockout? Or 2 loss elimination, 3 loss elim?

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
Originally Posted by Alt View Post
Yea, just built my PC. You need a fairly good CPU so it wont bottleneck the CPU. And Crysis is also very CPU dependent so if you wanna play crysis your gonna need pretty much a new computer if yours now cant play TB with shaders. But if all you want to do is make a TB video with shaders, let me know what slot you motherboard has and ill recomend you a good video card (PCIE x16, AGP, Etc...)

How can I know what slot my motherboard is? =P
And thanks guys for all the comments so far, I really appreciate it.
I believe I need to save more money in order to build a new PC, but I'll still keep this thread in mind.
Okay, download CPU-Z, it will tell you everything your computer, from the type of ram, to the RPM of your HDD. And yea, i agree with Supa Star. Do research, and just because something is expensive doesnt mean you shouldnt get it. Only one thing ill have to disagree with Superstar with is the Graphics card thing. NVidia = Expensive beast right now. And ATI just came out with a card that outperforms Nvidia's best card. (Yea, im way up to date lol) But Nvidia is said to release one thats even more powerful later. The only thing is that Nvidia is so damn expensive. I would go with ATI card right now. Preferably the 4870. And you could also PM me too. Or me you AND superstar could all talk in MSN haha. But yea. My comp came to around $2000 about 4-5 month ago. So yea, plan on going over you budget. Specially if you want to play crysis on that thing.

And then there's overclocking...
About what slots, if you find a motherboard, go down to system statistics, it'll most likely tell you what PCI slots it has, and what types.

Standard is PCI-E one slot, and PCI for like 3-4 more.... at least if you actually care about how good your motherboard is.

Also to ALT... cough cough man 70 dollars is excellent

And that's for the 8600 which is like... 4 steps away from 9000 hmmk? AND... the ati 4870 was like 259 dollars discounted.... *i looked at the stats and now I know why, however, I can honestly say that's too much.... just on a ZOMG scale, that's like.... 11 times better than the 8600 GT.... my computer's was like 700 dollars max, and I can play anything. I haven't tried crysis because.... well.... I haven't xd. I will however just to give a minimum required for ya man.

Oh yea... I personally recommend socket 775 for your motherboards and cpu's... seems to be the most common really.

Also, TRY TO GET MOTHERBOARD WITH CPU... not doing that can add mucho bucko to your order.

Also, SLI IS NOT REQUIRED.... that's for dual monitor shit man... and without two video cards you could easily kill the one you have/get.

Alright, I've compiled a good motherboard cpu and ram combo

Right now, odds are you're not gonna get that great a deal... why do I say this? Because I've gone through, and all the motherboard cpu combo's atm have either half rate motherboards, hilariously overdone motherboards *780i anybody?* or shitty cpu's... *DUO=BAD especially if you actually want to play crysis*

Now before I said CASE + POWERSUPPLY=good, which is not necessarily true. my current power supply *that came with case* only has a cord to plug in HALF my cpu power *so my quad is running like a duo.... fuck* not to say that's a bad thing, but goddamn it's not as fast as it could be..... If I hear more i'll say it.

...... What the fuck does Crysis run on? The national gold reserve?
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?
Its intresting and cool to look at, but you cant really judge anyone by it. Most people got way better just recently. Or didnt mind to DQ for fun or just doing something dumb.

no worries Alt, I am pretty bad reguardless of what my average is.

Nice work on it all NinjAiPoM
Last edited by SuperJoJo; Aug 28, 2008 at 11:04 PM.
Well, I am sort of confused by this % system, at one point I could go from 57.82 to 57.07, then when I win one I go back to 57.82, then I win again and it goes up to 57.83, after which it goes up to 57.84 .85 .86 and so on, I think this might have some flaws. And as for people with low percentages, we all have bad days that drag our percentages down, as well as scars from our low belt days, where we lost a good margin of our matches, so no worries ;)

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...