Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
Yeah except people don't become perfect pillars of society overnight.
You simply can't change how you naturally act. You can try, and try, it will still leak through your persona that you created, and through this persona, you might find nothing to say, because it is a made up thing.



That is pretty deep. You would make an alright philosopher.
Shit is real out here.

Originally Posted by Onsola
Im getting a bit tired of this topic, why cant you justmake good quality posts without complaining? Its so frustrating. If you did quality posts the rule wouldnt evenn exist.

What you mean Onsola with quality posts? I didn't read it if it is in somewhere, but we doing quality posts right now, we discussing about something, if you get bored of the topic well try to search a solution to it.
Do you mean quality posts like... do friendly things and do not do like a "bad" discussion with members?
Running away...
What I mean is that I am tired of having to make rules so as to have regular good quality posts.

I will remove te rule for a while and if you prove that you can make good posts without it then I wont put it any more. I believe in you guys, dont let me down...
nothing really. i'm pretty hyped for your grammar sucks #100 probably.
wait it already happened
ok,lets get on-topic
what has the 3 bests games you have played?
mine is
2-i wanna be the guy
pretty cool games
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

1. Assassin's creed 1,2,Brotherhood (Can't choose one becuase they are all brilliant)
2. Any of the Legend of Zelda games
3. Fallout 3

That's for the older ish games. For more relevant ones i'd say my top picks are

1. Fallout 4, (It's so much god damn fun)
2. Counter Strike: Global Offensive (Have way to many hours in it)
3. Mad Max (Pretty controversial, But a seriously good fucking game)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Well if it is on his profile and his sign he doesnt need to mention it xD

1: Portal
2: Oblivion (the one before skyrim)
3: Gmod

those were the first good games I played, then

2:Payday 1/2
3:Half Life
Yea, The Metal Gear Solid Series don't need a position on any of my lists.

They're too good for them, Seriously the most Epic and in my opinion best time of my Life,

After getting married ofc,Gotta say it because she would kill me otherwise...lel
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.