whhhaaatttt yooouuuu ggguuuyyyyssss bbbeeeennnnn uuuuupppppp tttttooooooooo??
I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
I thought i re-broke my wrist the other day whilst smashing my girlfriend hahaha i broke it a while back at the skatepark, and i didnt realise i broke it for ages becasue it only mildly hurt. and when i finnally had it scanned it was in such bad condition i had to have an opperation on it and had a high chance of having my wrist fused. and since then i have always had problems with it. and a couple of days ago i was in the middle of smashing my girlfriend and i lifted her up to get her in a different position and as i lifted her up (my bad wrist was on the bed pushing up) and it bent backwards and i dropped her back on the bed and cried out and was like arghhh i think i broke it again!! hahaha its not broken luckily but imagine trying to explain how i broke it to my mum and doctor hahaha xx
Last edited by shad666; Jan 2, 2013 at 07:05 PM.
I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
yes. thats the exact reason. i been tugging one out so fucking hard i snapped my wrist hahaha :P guys im bored. and this clan is dieing
I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
Sometimes I wish I could just break my arm and replaced it with a mechanical arm with a built-in missiles.

Nah we're not dying, we have been in this kind of situation countless times and we somehow made it.
We should know how. I was inactive last days...
BTW I've just arived home. I traveled to my girlfriends house, ~450 miles from here. I already miss her fucking fucking miss her.
Her father lives in my city, so she is visiting him more frequently now (he thinks she loves him LOL).
It's a shame that she lives with her mother far away from me.
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God