Originally Posted by Liquidoom View Post
Have fun boy

You bet I will. My uncle and aunt actually force me to work there and pay me a dollar a day .-. Still super fun there as I live in the city.

Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
Hello all.

I am still alive.
Dropping in to tell you all that i got a job in the other side of my state. Its fairly full on, long hours and hot weather. I dont really have the free time i wish i had anymore, but im prepared to bring some activity back to the forums and this clan.
Feels good to be useful for the first time in my life haha.

Lots of love,
The one and only DanWebb11

Hiya Dan! Haven't seen ya post in a long time. Hope you stick with us despite your job hehe
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
dang, hope you get better. I've been recently catching colds everyday. Really pisses me off, the sneezing and all
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
I was attacked by 6 leaches today.

I swear i lost a couple of litres of blood
ES Member | [a] Adventure
Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
I was attacked by 6 leaches today.

I swear i lost a couple of litres of blood

what in the actual hell

I've never seen a leech in my life. omg
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Spent my weekend camping in good old Australian bush.

Seriously though it was cold, raining and the whole forrest area was infested with bugs and leeches.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
I got bit by 23 mosquitoes, while playing at the park at night.

Fuck camping, I will never do that shit. \o\
Last edited by tictacky2; May 18, 2015 at 10:07 PM.
That was a weirdly comma placement tic; please try again in a punctually correct manner.

Last edited by Creati0n; May 18, 2015 at 10:31 PM.