Originally Posted by Ruadhan View Post
All I want out of christmas is for school to stop using me as a whore and taking up all of my time.

What? I thought you like it.
I actually have no idea. I told my parents to skip presents for my birthday and Christmass and save up for a new laptop and buy it when I graduate. But they told me that they'll think about it. Probably I'll get a scarf and candy or some new clothes if I don't request anything else. And probably some money for my laptop.
I ordered a Portal Gun for Christmas - I'll show you pictures when it arrives.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
How Rich?
Damn, I love Portal. ):

I also want a Hidden Blade from Assassin's Creed. One of my favorite games, for sure.
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
It's pre-order bonus from AC: Brotherhood, well we're too late to get it now.
I want Master Chief helmet. :3

I want a REAL hidden blade. HAHA
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
What? I thought you like it.

5 times a week is a bit too much...
Originally Posted by VIT0R View Post
I want a REAL hidden blade. HAHA

You can just replace the blade with the real one, actually you can replace it with anything, as long as it fits.