Oblivion sucks balls, lol srsly? story is like: Ohhhh brave hero the gates are opening, please save us!!! *hack hack, slash slash* you saved the planet -.- fucking BS story go play some final fantasy instead
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
Its an RPG. Its more about developing the character than amazing stories in my opinion. Plus it had a shit ton of content. So I guess it evens out.

But final fantasy is always cool. Try kingdom hearts, goes off.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
lol Final Fantasy is also RPG, RPG stands for Role Playing Game, not Ultra BS story high customization game ;)

never played Kingdom Hearts, and prolly never will lol goofy as a main character? :S
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
Originally Posted by Cerberus View Post
lol Final Fantasy is also RPG, RPG stands for Role Playing Game, not Ultra BS story high customization game ;)

never played Kingdom Hearts, and prolly never will lol goofy as a main character? :S

EGASP. You're missing out on so much. Kingdom Hearts' story is exeptional. Not to mention that there are cameos from many of disney's old movies/cartoons. Nostalgic and awesome. Dammit, go play it.
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okay... but since I don't have any PS2 i'll need to play the PSP version of it ( Birth by sleep )

also I'ma start texturing with commentary after I lunch ( which I will now ) so stay tuned fellas
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.