Originally Posted by filipe994 View Post
Also the stage is the same model of the 'toms' but scaled :P

<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
it isnt floating lol

there's a guy stabbing a creeper
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
Huh? XD Aren't both his arms going straight down? And the sword is pointing towards the guy not to the creeper?? Is he stabbing him with the pomel? :P

I meant the bottom part not the top one

EDIT: Oh wait is the sword attached to his back or something? I don't know it just looks really strange to me. Maybe because steve is facing the camera instead of the creeper or something?
Last edited by kumi; Apr 28, 2012 at 11:57 PM.
ahhh i see

you mean the "zoomed" in part?

i think he is holding the sword with his hands on the left side of his body
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
That doesn't make much sense since both arms go straight down O_o And you can clearly see that his hand is not on the grip, so I guess maybe if his arm is bending backwards at the elbow and gripping the blade it is possible, it just doesn't make sense :P
no wait!!

the sword is pointing down! it's "stored" in his back
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
It looks very strange either way :P

The fact that we even had a discussion about it is a testament to the strangeness!