It seems like everyones computer breaks everyday :O
Moldy, my face is beautiful :3
I think I finally have an idea for an event that will work, the prize wont be anything big but it should be pretty fun.
Can't wait for the event. I've kinda been hoping that it is a turney or something
Once again i exist against my will
The Requisition

What to do
Everyone that is participating in this event will be fighting Boaplitas, BFHPRO and NatasnomeD. You can fight each of us once. You will have 5 chances for each person. The person with the most points at the end of the month will win the event. Good luck.
Points system
This is how the points will be awarded.
Boaplitas: For winning a match against me you will be awarded 3 points.
NatasnomeD: For winning a match against NatasnomeD you will be awarded 2 points.
BFHPRO: For winning a match against BFHPRO you will be awarded 1 point.
How to search for us
If you want to participate you will have to find us.
Do /rf then /sa Penta
This will search for us.
1st. 5k
2nd. 3k
3rd. 1k
The event will be starting on the 1st of october and will end on the 1st of november.
The mods you will be playing on are:
Good luck with the event! I'm really hoping everyone will participate because our last event didn't go so well. Just a little side note, Everyone time you don't participate a child in africa dies.
Last edited by Boaplitas; Sep 28, 2015 at 06:40 PM.
2 Things: (Death) wants to Ally.
Anyone wanna buy full 128x set for 24.4k? I'm gonna be selling them for 28k, so I'm trying to cut you guys a deal.
I Hate this game. Been cancelled for trades 3 times in a day. People begging me for stuff all day. And Someone begged me so hard I lost a GMTourney. Honestly what the hell?
Last edited by MoldyRobot; Sep 28, 2015 at 08:39 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump