Originally Posted by Raven View Post

Sorry, I am dumb use a smaller word.

It means for Market Squad to help us or "join" us in an event. Stone is Market Squad Trial I think.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Yes you do raven and Kyle, I don't think you should talk to me about potential events with Market Squad, you would most likely need to talk to Drugged or even Phail.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
I don't really know since he is sort of inactive (by that I mean he doesn't do much lol) and if he accepts what does he force the msquad to do it so in all likelihood, you will need to contact an msquad to see if they will accept
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Originally Posted by Raven View Post
Alright, so the plan is to go from the 7k I have now to being rich all with marketing.

How would I start.

Start off with odds and ends, 128 textures, forces, 3d items ect then move onto flames and higher items like 512's or art till you get around 100k then move onto stuff like bulk buying for a larger discount and higher quality art once you get enough move onto full 512's rare HQ art and flame sets.

Man marketing is a patient mans job.

I need to work on patience big time.
Turning over a new leaf!
Haha, that is why I gamble. It's so much essier to market with a lot of TC, but at the same time you can lose all your profits.
I think it feels better to make tc with marketing, gambling requires luck.

Everything you do when marketing is all you.
Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Raven View Post
I think it feels better to make tc with marketing, gambling requires luck.

Everything you do when marketing is all you.

Marketing requires no luck and if you're good at it then you're making profit with no risk.
