if you changed your head i gotta change my right pec hng

6 = dead? nuh uh, mine is still here pretty alive, just old, his bones are almost cracking though
*walks in with rum* Ohai there, Just thought I'd pop in & say hello & such :3 Thought I might stick around have a le chat
Rythm smells like Cheese
Originally Posted by pal View Post
hi jewww, you were in clan omega...?

Umm yeah used to co-lead with GIR1 & Bam

Originally Posted by Meap View Post

I love this <3
Rythm smells like Cheese
Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
Umm yeah used to co-lead with GIR1 & Bam

interesting... i used to be there when kungfujc, birdflu, arterial, sagimeir and tompaine were alive