Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Thorn and Olive

"Aye, though it's not every day that people get killed in your inn. Ah, there's Ayera with your meal."

The serving maid who took the order brings the lentil soup back to Terme. She's pretty enough, with dark eyes and dark hair and a bold nose, and somewhat short. She gives Terme and smile as she offers the bowl.

"Would you like some of our apple brew with your meal?" she asks. "It's fresh from Cuie's Pond. They make excellent drink."
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
Terme thanks the innkeeper for the conversation with a gratitude much deeper than displayed as he stands -shifting ever so slightly as he does so- to receive his meal. A smile lightens his face, "Hello, beautiful. Sure, make that two."
Last edited by Lawrence1; Aug 7, 2012 at 11:22 AM.
Thorn and Olive

"As you wish."

She heads off to get the drinks. The innkeeper excuses himself to talk to some of the patrons as Mars approaches.

"Lord Terme. It seems Bryce was here not too long ago and was staying at the Bleeding Heart."
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive

"Ah yes, I've heard the same. He was in some sort of altercation with another nobleman, but it isn't clear whom yet, and two men under his assignment. Shall we investigate further at the inn then?"
Thorn and Olive

"I think so, but we shouldn't linger long. Bryce is nearby. If we ride hard, and soon, we can catch up to him."
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
Terme leaves the inn as he finishes the bowl of soup.
"Which way is it?"
Last edited by Lawrence1; Aug 8, 2012 at 09:20 AM.
Thorn and Olive

Terme and Mars find the inn quickly.

"Same plan?" asks Mars as they enter.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Bleeding Heart

Mars glanced about the common room, taking careful note of the patrons. Most of them villagers, but a few were armed. They didn't look trained enough to be soldiers or sellswords and the weapons looked old. Probably paranoid after the events of last night. He did catch sight of armsmen in studded leather and cloaks displaying two crossed black pickaxes shaped in an "X" on a grey field. A house symbol he didn't recognize, and it didn't seem rich enough to afford mail. Probably owned a valuable mine nearby. None of them appeared lords or travel worn. Maybe the house keeps watch on this town? There were no banners in the town itself, so it's unlikely the house actually owns the town. And any house that would own a town surely could afford steel for its men. He noted them and moved on.

Besides them, the inn was fairly occupied. A singer was already weaving a song of the fight, calling it the "Battle of Daven's Quarry", adding in heroic stunts and deeds that Mars doubted the greatest tumbler could do, much less the Caryotte lord. People diced and gambled, talked and drank. Few women, he noted. Most of these men looked to be travelers, as the townspeople would be working at this time. As he studied the inn, something caught his attention. It was only visible for a second as flames from the fireplaces moved in just the right way for it to catch a reflection. Mars bent to the floor to inspect what caused the gleam, and found it. Blood. Almost completely dry. A few more minutes and it would be too dull to have given notice. Wiping away dust, he found a very faint trail. It wasn't a lot of blood, hardly any, but it was a steady trail. He pondered it for a long while. What would cause that?

It dawned on him slowly but with force. Bandages. No, not bandages. Something inferior. Cloth. Cloth would drip. It would drip little by little, but it would drip steadily. But did the trail lead inside or outside the inn? Bryce wouldn't have bandaged himself at the site of battle. It's very possible he would've needed assistance and by accounts he was alone. It must've been leading out of the inn.

Mars traced blood trail to the second floor and to the door of one of the rooms. Bryce's? He tested the door. It wouldn't open an inch. Barricaded, definitely. Locked, probably. He needed a way in. He went back to the common room to wait for Terme.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Bleeding Heart

Mars and Terme convene shortly after. Terme learns that several of Bryce's guards set off with cargo back down the road to Saxum. Bryce and his remaining men left down to the river. Mars informs Bryce of his findings. Together they break into Bryce's old room, finding the signs of Serah's occupation. They find nothing worth keeping them in town, so they predict that Bryce is finding a way to cross the river. The locals inform them of the nearest ferry to Porte lands, and they continue their hunt.

A week passes in Fracterrum. Bryce and his company ferry across to Porte.
His hunters, Mars and Terme, are hot on their tails, following them doggedly as they approach the same village Bryce used to ferry across.

The dawn breaks anew amongst a tide of twilight and the spinning of fates loom.