If you want a combo, I just had one of the shittiest combos to be against: ES + SK.
The other day I played against cw + tiny too, hating those tryhards.

Also, I guess I can manage the high ping, will throw a party invitation if I see you playing.
Necro books way too OP
not going to say anything more about that.

decided im going to play solo ranked only now, my friends are way too shit.
lost 4 ranked party games in a row.
out of my last 10 veno games, ive lost 7.
i have to ban myself from playing my favorite hero, fuckit, from playing my favorite role, its disgusting.
not going to bother supporting anymore, no point if i cant rely on anyone to do their job.

this last game, i go to the offlane with a mate for a dual lane, we screw their lanes up, convince them to swap lanes and they put our backup carry against a clockwork, so i go to our safe lane to make a trilane, set up 3 or 4 kills, then shit all goes down hill.
our PL doesnt know how to farm, our shadow shaman is useless and blind, and our mid ends up making a 35 minute orchid.

I just give up trying to support these guys.
4 losses in a row on ranked party.
Ive gone from breaking into 4000 MMR, down to 3780.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I feel you.
Come play more pubs with me and teach me shit so I can get good enough to support you in ranked games! :]

It's that I'm not Lvl 13 yet but I guess my MMR should be somewhere around 2000 or so.
In all honesty, I have no clue.

Right now I'm trying to get to know every single hero so I know how to counter them with either a counter pick or an item.
I played a great game which I turned by buying an item, the Diffusal Blade. They were owning us with Lina, Rubick, Wraith King and some others until I made the decision to buy it.
This is great for me as it proves that I'm growing as a player.

I can't really talk with you guys as I only have around 160 games played but I know I'm a gamer by heart so I like to think I learn games quite quickly.
That said, I really enjoy DotA so my motivation is quite high.

Also Matt, that game we played we should've won.
I really felt bad when Luna left.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
Necro books way too OP
not going to say anything more about that.

5 necro wasn't banned for nothing!

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
I just give up trying to support these guys.
4 losses in a row on ranked party.
Ive gone from breaking into 4000 MMR, down to 3780.

Do you trust them to support? >_<

By the way, I think orchid is pretty underrated. Such an awesome item.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
Necro books way too OP
not going to say anything more about that.

decided im going to play solo ranked only now, my friends are way too shit.
lost 4 ranked party games in a row.
out of my last 10 veno games, ive lost 7.
i have to ban myself from playing my favorite hero, fuckit, from playing my favorite role, its disgusting.
not going to bother supporting anymore, no point if i cant rely on anyone to do their job.

this last game, i go to the offlane with a mate for a dual lane, we screw their lanes up, convince them to swap lanes and they put our backup carry against a clockwork, so i go to our safe lane to make a trilane, set up 3 or 4 kills, then shit all goes down hill.
our PL doesnt know how to farm, our shadow shaman is useless and blind, and our mid ends up making a 35 minute orchid.

I just give up trying to support these guys.
4 losses in a row on ranked party.
Ive gone from breaking into 4000 MMR, down to 3780.

Play only heroes like Slark, Mirana, Disruptor, etc. Basically heroes who can control en entire encounter or game flow by themselves. This is how you win statistically more games on average, by having a bigger impact on your own and on your team at the same time.

Clock is a good hero too, better than veno imo.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Do you trust them to support? >_<

more than i trust them to carry or mid.

Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Clock is a good hero too, better than veno imo.

thats like comparing apples to oranges, two completely different heroes with different roles.
you have a strange definition of "OP"

Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Play only who can control en entire encounter or game flow by themselves.

tried that.
warlock, disruptor etc.
didnt work.
i wouldnt say slark can control the tempo of a team fight, hes not much of a team fight carry, hes more about the 1v1 pickoffs.
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 26, 2014 at 03:13 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
If you want a combo, I just had one of the shittiest combos to be against: ES + SK.
The other day I played against cw + tiny too, hating those tryhards.

Also, I guess I can manage the high ping, will throw a party invitation if I see you playing.

Whats even gayer is Kotl + PL but its kinda easy to counter so I usually go
Kotl + Sven/ (Safelane)Tinker
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
more than i trust them to carry or mid.

thats like comparing apples to oranges, two completely different heroes with different roles.
you have a strange definition of "OP"

tried that.
warlock, disruptor etc.
didnt work.
i wouldnt say slark can control the tempo of a team fight, hes not much of a team fight carry, hes more about the 1v1 pickoffs.

Well, it depends. If you play Veno as offlane, which he is pretty decent at, by those standards Clock would be better not early on, but in the mid to late game since he is a great initiator and harasser. He's one of the more annoying ones as well, which is a great +.

Also, it's about the slot on the team basically. Assuming you already have a support in your team ( and if not then there are better supports than Veno imo), then for that slot, as far as game impact and contribution goes, Clockwork would be a superior pick to Venomancer.

Warlock is good but if you're up against a carry who may potentially build diffusal, then lock is just average that game. Disruptor on the other hand is annoying as hell, from early to late game. Every skill of his ( except his Q) will really make somebody rage at some point and against a team who relies heavily on AOE/positioning, his ulti and kinetic field will be their demise.
WD is also pretty good against teams like that actually. You would want to get Lion or Rhasta against a more carry oriented team though.

I said the flow of the game, not teamfight flow. Slark will pick off anybody who's alone on the map and it won't take long to reach them, and that will leave enemies 4v5 for 50-60s. So basically anybody leaving their T1 towers alone will die horribly and cause their team to lose. And if they travel in groups then you can push lanes with Q and your superior speed, get more farm and more items.

Also Slark will pretty much rape any carry on a normal 1v1. That passive of his is really imba in late game. You will snowball like hell.
Veno solo offlane will just die every day of the week. He's not very durable and has no escape... CW is an OK hero but depends heavily on team consistency. His damage output is pretty low so he can't gank without level advantage. Veno can just drop his huge nukes and slows and even he dies straight away it will take a lot for the other team to win the fight.

Warlock is now only the 8th most winning hero, his damage amp, ulti, heal and slow are all amazing skills. If enemy build diffusal who cares, warlock won't be tanky enough to stand up to the number of hits it would take to drain him of mana fully, and he just has to pop bonds and ulti at the start of a fight and his job is pretty much done.

Disruptor great hero, we like to run him in trilane to punish people who try to last hit or who come to our side of the river.

Playing gankers is ok but but make sure they are semi-carries. I wouldn't be confident that playing mirana as a roamer would boost percentages, but if you mid her or offlane then sure. But those are the two most popular positions...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Veno solo offlane will just die every day of the week. He's not very durable and has no escape... CW is an OK hero but depends heavily on team consistency. His damage output is pretty low so he can't gank without level advantage. Veno can just drop his huge nukes and slows and even he dies straight away it will take a lot for the other team to win the fight.

Whenever I played Veno solo offlane with max wards I would end up with massive farm, underwhelemed dual lane and if I got ganked by a third hero, I would take one with me as well. But against consistent ganks etc, Veno would be at a disadvantage.

Well, not really. The venom is dot over a long period of time. An enemy team of heavy nukes and fast phys dmg wouldn't even feel the poison until after they already killed everybody in your team. That's the problem with dot and having slow instead of pure disables. Or at least that's what I think.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Warlock is now only the 8th most winning hero, his damage amp, ulti, heal and slow are all amazing skills. If enemy build diffusal who cares, warlock won't be tanky enough to stand up to the number of hits it would take to drain him of mana fully, and he just has to pop bonds and ulti at the start of a fight and his job is pretty much done.

And Abaddon is the nb1 as far as % goes, but we all know that it's not hard to ignore him or eul him for the duration of his ulti and then half his use in team fights is gone. WR for hero in pubs isn't a big concern imo.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

Disruptor great hero, we like to run him in trilane to punish people who try to last hit or who come to our side of the river.

Playing gankers is ok but but make sure they are semi-carries. I wouldn't be confident that playing mirana as a roamer would boost percentages, but if you mid her or offlane then sure. But those are the two most popular positions...

Even in dual lane, disruptor is quite amazing.

And yeah I agree, Mirana might work as a roamer in very certain situations and with a good team but otherwise, I would leave her as offlane.