yes they should give out more monsters and some legendary ones that are pretty impossible to kill no chalanges up here for now i got all items that game can provide.
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Originally Posted by Kaszanas View Post
yes they should give out more monsters and some legendary ones that are pretty impossible to kill no chalanges up here for now i got all items that game can provide.

Indeed, there's no "bonus monster" for those with end-game equipment.
If anything it looks like you have to go from there to PVP combat with 20 other people in Molten Armor.
Kaszananas, i cant get on your server. Even when your there D:
Tell me Why.

Also im so nooby to you guys but i beat the eye of C'thulu with my shurikens,
because i like my revenge.
Also i went really far down (imo) and left because a fire imp was trying to kill me T.T
Originally Posted by Macrid View Post
Also i went really far down (imo) and left because a fire imp was trying to kill me T.T

If you think that's bad, just wait till a bone serpent shows up while you're mining hellstone. Bonus points if there's two of them. Extra bonus points if there's 4 imps attacking you at the same time.
So I finally got around to ditching my first world. I made a new one, built a nice home, and I'm currently transferring all of my items.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
If you think that's bad, just wait till a bone serpent shows up while you're mining hellstone. Bonus points if there's two of them. Extra bonus points if there's 4 imps attacking you at the same time.

Bonus if you rape 3 serpents and 4 imps while killing eater of worlds.

on my level.
If anyone here lives in california, i'll be happy to start up a server and play with them. I'm on a laptop so I'm unsure if it's my internet connection or my computer performance that matters most for making a server, or both. So living in california probably helps a ton.

I'm currently already planning to play some co-op with a friend irl, so maybe someone could come join us sometime.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Nice Yura, but whenever I talk to you on Hamachi your not responding so I can't plan for you to come over and check out the Obesidian maker.
I just got molten everything and a pretty sexy STAR CANNON so yeah I owned Cthulu in around 12 seconds

i need like heaps of obsidian cuz i want molten things :3

edit/ has anyone killed a -devourer?-
Last edited by yura101; May 29, 2011 at 11:21 AM.
Can anyone do me a favor and try joining my server.
hamachi network:Natergeria pass:123
server pass also 123

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