i do encourage stealth and mental gear among these internets. if thats not enough for you i don't know. i play loki only. used to play as ash but invisibility duration is way too short
I'm a fan of stealth games myself, don't get me wrong, but
Originally Posted by k6vamees View Post
The game doesn't exactly reward you much (or at all) for stealth gameplay at the moment.

If you want to level up fast you're better off slaughtering everyone in your path for points and affinity. Perhaps that's something you can address in warframe forums. As far as personal experience is concerned, i can get that better in splinter cell or mgs, or any other stealth oriented game.
But why's the rum gone? :v
stealth suggestions and feedback thread is up since close beta, and i keep adressing it, but it will be better if more people would show interest so we can promote it.
I highly disagree with Loki being useless when shit hits the fan. If anything, a good Loki will either completely avoid shit hitting the fan, or be able to abuse his mechanics to take advantage of shit hitting the fan.

Decoy allows pretty much any aggro to completely disappear, combined also with switch tele as a very effective gap creator for only 50 energy base.

Invis is pretty much god-tier utility, and allows you to pretty much never give a fuck about anything, and farm the shit out of infested.

Switch tele, in addition to the synergy with decoy, is also pretty useful with teammates. You can get high aoe damage frames into large swarms that you may have aggrod with yourself or decoy, save teammates, or tele instantly to a defense point.

And his final move is shit, at best acceptable if you somehow manage to find a really large packed group of grineer. But lets never mention it again.

A Loki player plays smart, not tough. You rely on smart plays rather than a get out of jail free button (although Loki does have one (I love you invis))
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Anyone in a Clan?.. I want to be able to go to a clan dojo..
looks like I'll retire my Paris Bow until Stealth gameplay becomes more rewarding.
im in a clan buy we haven't really done any dojo stuff yet, also anyone that wants to can add me, ign is ishi


Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Anyone in a Clan?.. I want to be able to go to a clan dojo..
looks like I'll retire my Paris Bow until Stealth gameplay becomes more rewarding.

You don't have to rest the paris, not at all. You can get it pretty op'd once you potato it and fill it full of mods, including thunderbolt. Unless you get the stalkers bow.
But why's the rum gone? :v
I only have 75% rifle damage and 70% fire damage mod for the rifle xP
I don't know how to get decent mods..
Um. Halp. I want to play with somebody who can help me with unlocking the world xD
you can always add batman and thor, those guys carry you through every world and you'll hate yourself for not being able to kill anything as fast as they do
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I only have 75% rifle damage and 70% fire damage mod for the rifle xP
I don't know how to get decent mods..
Um. Halp. I want to play with somebody who can help me with unlocking the world xD

what mods are you looking for? rifle and electric damage mods are decent.